Canadian Marble Fox - Everything You Could Want to Know (2024)

The Canadian Marble Fox, sometimes known as the Arctic Marble Fox, is a rare subspecies of the red fox, admired for its striking beauty. The marbling of white, black, and grey in its fur gives this animal a unique and eye-catching appearance.

Yet, some individuals enjoy having this wild animal as a pet despite its natural origins. So, let’s dive in and evaluate everything there is to know about these foxes!

Canadian Marble Fox 101

An Intro to Canadian Marble Foxes

It’s a common misconception that the Canadian Marble Fox is a native animal. They are the offspring of a deliberate human experiment in which red and silver foxes were bred together.

The white fur of a marble fox is often complemented by a darker band of color, either grayish-black or brown. While they resemble their larger relatives in many ways, their diminutive size, distinctive sharp nose, and fluffy tail set them apart.

Their name, which combines the terms “Canadian” and “marble,” refers to the country where they are most common and their unique fur coloration. This Arctic Fox is a bit like the other fox species.

History, Origin, and Habitat

The first marble fox pup was born in 1945 on Norwegian farmer Sverre Omber’s property. The offspring of a red fox and an arctic fox underwent a mutation that resulted in this fox’s unique appearance. The exceptional quality of their product gave them an advantage over other foxes in terms of profitability. Therefore, the breeders used breeding selection to increase the population of Canadian marble foxes.

The Arctic regions of northern Canada are the primary point of its origin. As a result, these animals are commonly referred to as “marble foxes” in Canada. Despite being kept in captivity, many of these foxes are still out today.

Canadian Marble Fox - Everything You Could Want to Know (1)


Due to their thick, beautiful, and much sought-after fur, they look as adorable as kittens. The fur or coat of these foxes is white but intricately patterned with grey, black, and tan spots, giving them the perfect marble texture.

The insides of their cute little ears are also marked in black. Their eyebrows and eyes have dark symmetries, giving them a ghostly appearance or the impression that they’re wearing vintage burglar masks. Surprisingly, many assume they are fictitious due to these unique characteristics.

Size and Weight of Marble Foxes

The average male weighs somewhere between 7 and 21 pounds. Their female counterparts, in contrast, weigh between 3 and 8 pounds.

As far as their height is concerned, the males can grow to a maximum height of 27 inches, whereas the females rarely surpass the average size of 20 inches.


Eight to ten years is the average lifespan of a Canadian Marble Fox. In fact, with the proper care, they can live for up to fifteen years or more. Their lifespan is predicted to be between five and six years in the wild.


As mentioned earlier, Canadian Marble Fox is a wild animal that shares traits with red and silver foxes. They prefer to be on their own since they are independent, curious, and resourceful. Since they are foxes, so it is to be expected that they would behave ferociously. As a result, they may have trouble interacting with other pets and could threaten other animals in the region.

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In the beginning, typically in the first few weeks, there is no display of affection from them. It follows that the more time they spend with their breeder or owner, the better. However, these foxes might act hostile, impolite, or suspicious without appropriate socialization.


Like other foxes, they eat a wide variety of foods. Fruits, veggies, carrion, mice, and rats are examples of such foods. These predators are so good at stealing food that they can feed on the carcasses of other animals. In captivity, they can eat a variety of meats and commercial dog foods.

Exercise and Training

Since these little creatures are full of energy, they need extensive training. Therefore, you must spend at least two hours a day frolicking around outside. They’ll be pleased and won’t be as hyper at home afterwards.

Socialization with humans is essential for developing a fox cub younger than six months. This will help them overcome their fear of people quickly. Ensure your fox hears your voice often to get used to it and learn basic commands. Improve your relationship with your adult fox by spending more time with it.

Cleaning and Grooming

You won’t have to bathe these foxes every day because they are naturally tidy creatures. Nonetheless, their smell gland and urine contribute to an unpleasant stink. Since it is a natural occurrence and can’t be altered, a few items may help you eliminate the odor.

Use vinegar and water spray to disinfect the entire enclosure. You can also get rid of the odor by adding dish soap to the mixture. When the cage has dried completely, line the bottom with newspaper and cover it with a thin layer of litter. You should also clean the cage of your fox at least twice weekly.

Cunning Intelligence

Apart from their mythical fur, these foxes possess intelligence cards, making them unique. They are delightfully clever creatures. If you’re lucky, you can engage these marble foxes in playing games instead of thinking of methods to steal from the house.

Canadian Marble Fox - Everything You Could Want to Know (2)

Does a Canadian Marble Fox Make a Good Pet?

If you’re keen to learn more about Canadian marble fox, it is natural to assume that you may be want to keep these adorable looking animals as pets.

But here’s the question: is that even possible? After all, they’re foxes!

Before you go any further, first check with your local authorities to find out if keeping a marble fox legal in your area. Once you get the green signal, there are tons of other considerations to ponder over before buying one.

While these animals can be kept as pets, they’re nothing like our regular household pets, such as cats and dogs. And while you may bond with your Canadian marble fox over time, they’re not entirely domesticated and can act wild in any situation. They’re also little sneakers, and when given an opportunity, they would run away at an instant.

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Not everyone can deal with their sneaky antics, and you have to factor in the cost of vet visits, food, pet insurance, entertainment, and more. If you already have a cat or dog at home, you should refrain from getting a fox. They won’t get along, and the fox in your house may end up hurting or killing your other pet.

Additionally, marble foxes will not be particularly affectionate towards you despite their appearances. They are fiercely autonomous and unaffiliated and might not even like to be touched. They will have the odor of a wild animal, can burrow holes in the ground to avoid the heat, and not react to punishment as a dog or cat would.

Appropriate Activities and Cage Sizes

The fox requires a sizable outside enclosure with a roof and a three-story tower. They also like to dig in the ground, play with straw, and hide when they play. The marble fox also requires plenty of exercise and focus. Without satisfying these wants, these foxes might become violent.

Litter Training

Foxes, contrary to popular belief, can be litter trained. It will take a lot more time for them to figure out that the sandbox is for toileting. Consequently, you should get ready to spend a lot of time with marble foxes over the next few months. But once they understand it, they will remember it.


Bonding between fox cubs and their parents occurs most strongly during their first six months together. Thus adopting a young fox is ideal. It may determine whether or not the connection succeeds. It’s best to start contacting fox breeders around March, as fox pups are usually born in April.

Owners report great success with the “infant bonding time” when they converse with their pets often. They become more attached to you as they become familiar with your voice.

Where can Canadian Marble Foxes be Legally Kept as Pets?

So if you’ve decided to keep a Canadian marble fox as a pet, you must examine if they are legal in your state.

In several US jurisdictions, it is not illegal to own a marble fox as a pet since they are classified as exotic or wild animals. For similar reasons, keeping a fox as a pet is illegal across much of Canada. Additionally, foxes in British Columbia are safeguarded by the province’s Wildlife Act.

They are considered to be native species of wild animals. Other Canadian provinces also have animal protection laws. These provinces include Alberta, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, and Ontario. Even in states where doing so is permitted, you need a license to keep one as a pet.

Canadian Marble Fox - Everything You Could Want to Know (3)

Final Words

Despite its adorable and cuddly appearance, the marble fox is just a regular wild fox, but one with an eye-catching black and white fur coat.

So make sure you do your homework, learn everything about keeping a Canadian marble fox as a pet, and know the laws in your area before proceeding with it.

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Canadian Marble Fox - Everything You Could Want to Know (2024)


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