Serious suggestion for permanent mall items - Archive (2024)



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Posted 17 November 2014 - 07:46 AM

Ok I think some players would stick around more if some mall items were permanent. This would leave us with more malls after the big purchases for upgrades and impulse buys. I suggest you change 10x amount for a permanent item. This won't include reinforce %s but we would have more malls for these anyway.

For example:

Buy pet then instead of buying 350 mall item for renewal it's 3500 for permanent pet
Flying mount 3000 for permanent
Costume 1500 for permanent
Reduction tool 2000 for permanent

These prices I have done using memory and may not be correct. People would still have to buy reinforcement % to up armour. However once u have permanent pet, mount and soforth it won't be as big a burden to purchase,

P.s 3 slots for enchant mall items please. Currently you get one.

Edited by Demtd, 17 November 2014 - 07:49 AM.

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Posted 17 November 2014 - 07:53 AM

Really ? Serious suggestion for permanent mall items - Archive (5)

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Posted 17 November 2014 - 07:57 AM

It's an idea. I don't know, I think they should take a little off of 10x because you are providing them with that much at once. Also, I would hope they still kept the monthly stuff for those who rarely get item mall. But they've never looked at this stuff for the long term, so I kind of don't see why they'd start now. It's not like they actually say "hey! You've been with us a while! Let's give ya something good to keep for the rest of your req days."

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Posted 17 November 2014 - 08:00 AM

The benefit of this would definitely be that you could take breaks or oh I don't know, tend to things that happen in life and know that you won't come back to poofed items. People get tired of buying stuff to upkeep their chars.

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Posted 17 November 2014 - 08:24 AM

Lol, I think the prices are already TOO HIGH also for perma items!!!!
All the best games are all f2p and they have millions of player, and GMs get x100000 more moneys than this one.
If they want more moneys, they should really delete everything from item mall except costumes, and fix everything, then u would see thousands of players play this game and pay for costumes and premiums!!!

Edited by Kazara, 17 November 2014 - 09:39 PM.

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Posted 17 November 2014 - 02:43 PM

This idea is with the 30 day versions staying ingame but giving the option to buy the permanent for 10x price. I have seen aions real money shop and they do similar with mounts.

For there to be thousands of people playing and paying the game would need a good advertising campaign. I dont see that many new players. The horror aspect at times seems forgotten. Halloween should have been a huge event but instead it was disappointing to a lot of people.

Costumes on high level players aren't that important. What's 500 hp when you have 20k+. Permanent ones would be more appealing.

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Posted 17 November 2014 - 02:51 PM

It's an idea. I don't know, I think they should take a little off of 10x because you are providing them with that much at once. Also, I would hope they still kept the monthly stuff for those who rarely get item mall. But they've never looked at this stuff for the long term, so I kind of don't see why they'd start now. It's not like they actually say "hey! You've been with us a while! Let's give ya something good to keep for the rest of your req days."

The benefit of this would definitely be that you could take breaks or oh I don't know, tend to things that happen in life and know that you won't come back to poofed items. People get tired of buying stuff to upkeep their chars.

It would be good if there was some kind of reward for being a player who's been playing requiem for a while instead of a useless lant token and even more useless xeon compression item as a daily login bonus.

It's depressing to login and see all your mall items poof on you. Dna is permanent. Bag space is permanent. Dna is costly to get 55 but people pay it. I think people would warm to the idea of permanent mounts, tools, costumes and pets. 10x would be 10 months worth and last til Gravity pulled the plug.

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Posted 17 November 2014 - 06:40 PM

perm pet/costume/mount sounds wonderful. the price a bit absurd. However, i would agree with the price under the circ*mstance that players or rather toons, that have been around for a long time, and have bought pet extension at least 5 times, would get a free permanent extension for the pet, same with costume and possibly same with mount.

only reason i suggest this, is because i think its unfair the way they treat the older players.

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    Too Legit To Quit

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Posted 17 November 2014 - 09:46 PM

Lol on Aion I was best equipped and never used a cent.
Pet free, mount free (1 dropped and 1 crafted), mythic gears etc...and all perma!!!!
they aren t so p2w like this, the only thing to buy is gold pack and it was pretty cheap with game moneys.

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Posted 17 November 2014 - 10:45 PM

Lol on Aion I was best equipped and never used a cent.
Pet free, mount free (1 dropped and 1 crafted), mythic gears etc...and all perma!!!!
they aren t so p2w like this, the only thing to buy is gold pack and it was pretty cheap with game moneys.

Where do you expect gravity to get the funds for paying staff and running the game if nobody ever bought anything like you have in Aion?

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    Posted 18 November 2014 - 02:58 AM

    ...10x would be 10 months worth and last til Gravity pulled the plug.

    Soooo, it would still be 30 (well maybe 60) days mount, tools, costumes andpets. Am I right?

    Where do you expect gravity to get the funds for paying hamster food and ruining the game if nobody ever bought anything like you have in Aion?


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    Posted 18 November 2014 - 03:09 AM

    Consumables are the real life stock in Requiem and apart from the real pay-to-win stuff used for upgrading gear, the most important income for Gravity I am sure has always been the usual: mounts, costumes, reduction tools, and pets (which did not even exist early on).

    Removing the "every day" consumables, which let us be honest are necessary for anyone who is willing to make their lives a bit easier, would cut that source of income dramatically. Given the population of Requiem these days, even if they would sell the perma ones at high prices, it would just be a one-off payment, and good luck finding future customers (and income).

    Also, pets do not just have basic functions, but offer quite substantial benefits, and many players have already paid handsomely to train them to max level. Costumes are indeed important, and not really for the HP part (although every little bit is welcome for those who are always seeking ways to max their numbers), but mostly for the MP part (for many classes that have quite low MPs) and even for the MP regen part.

    Unless Gravity comes up with a new and realistic business plan (and we know when and how this is going to happen - never), the situation will not change. The only viable way would be to offer most of these items for their cosmetic value or just basic functions, then maybe they could be perma with an one-off payment. As long as they bestow substantial advantages to the players using them, the "renewal" model will not change, since those players feel so dependent on them that will gladly pay the monthly "pimp fee".

    You would need a wide variety of cosmetic or vanity items and a regularly updated catalogue to keep the interest alive, and also affordable prices to have a steady income and a market. This is how many F2P games work (even if some do have the pay-to-win factor too), the majority of their sales and income comes from these and also from "premium" services. Sadly, Gravity never had the brains to follow this old and fairly successful model, and always chose to milk the poor fat cows dry. Unfortunately, there aren't that many of the hapless species left around to moo now.

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      Posted 18 November 2014 - 05:35 AM

      Imo one part what makes mmos interesting, is the wide possability of different characters with different builds / gears etc.

      In Reqquiems case this build varieties are limited if not impossible for players to archieve, cuz its simply too expensive to test a "not so common" / new build.

      IF u finally got one of ur characters maxed out (which requires months/years of time or tons of cash), u wont start over with a new project if u cant be sure it will work out in the end.

      If u wanna test a new build, u need everything at reinforce grade +10 atleast, to see how its working and if its viable to compete later on.

      +10 cant be archieved without forge events, hell, u cant upgrade ur gear to 1/3 of the final power without spending money, this is fact. (regarding endgame equipment, nightmare stuff etc)

      Ppl always go with the common builds, cuz they dont want to spend tons of time/cash just to test something.

      All items should be upgradeable to +10 without forge events (tbh it should be +15, 1/2 of final power atleast, but wont ask too much)


      Binds on acquire option

      -> should be changed to bind on account, no trade xeons from item mall available for this

      ppl wont be able to buy bound items from others, they would need to do raids, increasing the aed/repair tool/raid reset sales

      (no tradeable +30 weapons = ppl need make them on their own = increase of mall sales for reinforcing, which is a good compensate for the loose of bind on acquire trade xeon sales)


      Region Chat

      -> should definetely be available for everyone, not premium users only ( give premium users a seperate chat or infinite megaphones )

      games get boring if u cant communicate with others to form raids etc, especially for new players its hard to find any1 without a proper chatroom available.


      Nightmare HP/MP Pots

      -> remove this completely from game.

      often said that before, why bothering to make a party / raid group if u can solo everything with the right ammount of pots? thats realy silly and just creates egoistic behaviour


      Regarding PK

      -> put pk shields back into game, BUT change it completely. PK should be available only for those who wear the new shields, every1 will see who wants to pk and ppl who dont want to pk will be save.

      ( 1-7 days cooldown on shield will prevent further abuse ) since we only got 1 server, and ppl were forced into this pk world, they should be able to avoid it.


      There r lots of little things which make ppl happy, a slow flying mount / pet with pickup option only as quest reward for example, has been asked for a long time.

      Create more mall items (yes, seriously) but with optical benefits only, appearance changes like the famous purple hat or w/e

      Those changes would give a total different gaming experience, and u wont loose to much IF anything. But what am i doing here, train past by long time ago.

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        Posted 18 November 2014 - 06:45 AM

        Thepk thing is much much easier to handle. And Gravity already did it and it worked.

        When Reqquiem started on Facebook they had multiple channels on that one server. Only a couple of them werepk and the other non-pk.

        It worked very good until they decided to remove it after a couple weeks.

        So they know how to do it. Nothing could be easier for them to implement.

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          Too Legit To Quit

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        Posted 18 November 2014 - 07:21 AM

        paying a Single Dime for....

        broken Battlefields , unbalanced Skills / Classes, PB, Cash Shop


        NOT adding updates on PD,TD or any other open Map instances?!

        if your that easy to please , consider the Problem mby. not on there Side -.-^

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        Serious suggestion for permanent mall items - Archive (2024)


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