SWTOR Companions Status List (After KOTFE and KOTET) (2024)

This guide will help you better understand which of your class companions and some other companions have returned to you since SWTOR KOTFE and KOTET

With both expansions Bioware created some chaos regarding the class companions, not to mention all the new ones that have been introduced and recruited to the Eternal Alliance. The article may contain minor story spoilers, the links leading to videos and guides sure do contain huge story spoilers.

RELATED: SWTOR 6.0 Onslaught Full Coverage

Before we begin, I want to point out that this information below is based only on official sources, no data-mining, no guesses, no assumptions. Bioware has confirmed that there are plans for all companions to return in one way or another, but the how and the when cannot be revealed for all of them yet.

The first part is about the Class Companions – who is missing, who has returned and how to get them back into your army. The second half of the guide is about all other companions coming from Alliance Recruitment and other special missions.

Table of contents

  • Classic Republic Companions
    • Jedi Knight
    • Jedi Consular
    • Republic Trooper
    • Smuggler
  • Classic Empire Companions
    • Sith Warrior
    • Sith Inquisitor
    • Imperial Agent
    • Bounty Hunter
  • Other Companions
    • Leacy Companions
    • Alliance Recruiters, Star Fortress and Misc Companions
  • Best SWTOR companion based on their role

Classic Republic Companions

The following paragraphs list all of the classic companions for the classes on the Republic side.

Jedi Knight

| recruited, KOTFE

The little droid was one of the very first companions that came back. He appeared in Chapter 3 of Knights of the Fallen Empire and was available to all classes.

Doctor Archiban Kimble (Doc)
MIA, KOTFE, returning, KOTET 5.10

Doc returned to the Jedi Knight on Ossus with Game Update 5.10 “Jedi Under Siege”. Him and Nadia (Concular’s companion) are featured in the main story. If you are a Jedi Knight, there will be an additional Alliance Alert available for you. You can go speak to Doc and get him to join you back.

Kira Carsen
| MIA KOTE | MIA,mentioned,KOTET |mentioned 2nd time, 5.6 | mentioned, 5.10 |returning, ONSLAUGHT 6.0

Kira was mentioned by Master Ranos in the recruitment mission for that companion. Later she was mentioned a second time in Update 5.6 by Darth Hexid. In Spring of 2018 Kira was announced as expected to return in the Summer update (July). Later this statement was overruled and now there is no current date for this companion yet.

When Doc returned to the Jedi Knight, he briefly mentioned Kira and Scourge. Later, in Game Update 5.10.4, a short mission was released, which shows two masked figures watching the Odessen platform from the hills. Both Kira and Scourge return to you at the end of the initial Onslaught 6.0 expansion storyline.

Regardless of which side you pick, they have similar conversations and news to share about Tenebrae. The Jedi Knight, obviously, gets a unique cinematic with both Kira and Scourge.

Lord Scourge
| MIA KOTET | MIA,mentioned,KOTET | mentioned 2nd time, 5.6 | mentioned, 5.10 |returning, ONSLAUGHT 6.0

The Emperor’s Wrath was mentioned by both Master Ranos and Darth Hexid. In Spring of 2018 Scourge was announced as expected to return in the Summer update (July) eventually. Later this statement was overruled and now there is no current date for this companion yet.

When Doc returned to the Jedi Knight, he briefly mentioned Kira and Scourge. Later, in Game Update 5.10.4, a short mission was released, which shows two masked figures watching the Odessen platform from the hills. Both Kira and Scourge return to you at the end of the initial Onslaught 6.0 expansion storyline.

Regardless of which side you pick, they have similar conversations and news to share about Tenebrae. The Jedi Knight, obviously, gets a unique cinematic with both Kira and Scourge.

Sargent Fideltan Rusk
|recruitable, determinate fate,KOTFE

Rusk returned with the “Bonds of Duty” alliance mission and was available for recruit there during that mission.

Jedi Consular

Quyzen Fess
|recruited, KOTFE

The Lizard returned in Knights of the Fallen Empire with the Stalking the Score allince mission.

Nadia Grell
| MIA, KOTFE | MIA,mentioned,KOTET | returning, KOTET 5.10

Nadia has been missing since Fallen Empire. She was briefly mentioned in a conversation between the Alliance Commander and Master Ranos. Nadia came back to the Jedi Consular with Game Update 5.10 as part of the main storyline.

Her and Doc (Jedi Knight’s companion) were featured in one of the scenes on Ossus. Consulars can reunite with her via an Alliance Alert mission that becomes avaiable after the story.

Felix Iresso
| MIA KOTFE | returning, KOTET 5.9

Felix has returned with a personal class recruitment mission in Update 5.9.


Zenith has been missing since Fallen Empire. He is also currently planned to return, but there is no exact information at this point when or how this may happen. At some point in 2018 it was said that he is the only companion that the studio doesn’t have a plan for his return yet, but this statement has been replaced later with a confirmation that Zenith is coming back.

It’s just not known yet when and how exactly – which is the same saying, but with different wording. Zenith was never abandoned.

Tharan Cedrax
| MIA , KOTFE | determine fate, ONSLAUGHT 6.0

Tharan appears for all characters from both factions near the end of the story-mode version of the Corellia Flashpoint. He can be recruited or killed. The Jedi Concular gets a unique cinematic with him. Empire characters get a Dark Side option to kill him after he helps them progress through the Flashpoint’s objectives.

Republic Trooper

Aric Jorgan
|recruited, determinate fate,KOTFE

Aric Jorgan was recruited during Chapter 11 of Fallen Empire and his fate could be determinet later on in Chapter 13.

| recruitable, KOTFE

The loyal droid was available for recruitment in Fallen Empire via an Alliance Mission.

Tanno Vik
| encountered – not recruitable, KOTFE

Tano Vik met the Outlander in Chapter 6 of Fallen Empire, but was not willing to be recruited.

| recruitable, KOTFE

Yunn was a part of To Find a Findsman recruitment mission after Chapter 9 of Fallen Empire.

Elara Dorne
| MIA, mentioned, KOTFE | recruitable, KOTET 5.2

The Trooper’s loyal female companion came back with The War for Iokath storyline in Update 5.2


Corso Riggs
| MIA, KOTFE | returning, KOTET 5.7

Corso came back in Update 5.7 via a personal class mission.

Guss Tano
| recruitable,KOTFE

Guss Tano was available for recruitment via the alliance recruitment mission Shining in the Darkness

Risha Drayen
| MIA, KOTFE | returning, KOTET 5.7

Risha came back together with Corso in Update 5.7 with the same personal class mission.

| recruitable, KOTFE

Bowdar appeared as part of the Eternal Championship mission and was available for recruitment after completing it.

Akaavi Sparr
| MIA KOTFE | returning, KOTET 5.9

Akaavi has returned to the Smuggler player with a personal class mission in Update 5.9.

Classic Empire Companions

The following paragraphs list all of the classic companions for the classes on the Empire side.

Sith Warrior

| recruited, KOTFE |determinate fate,KOTET

Vette was recruited back in Fallen Empire’s Chapter 13 together with Gault. Later in Chapter 8 of Knights of the Eternal Throne the Alliance Commander had to determine her fate – live or die.

Jaesa Willsam
| MIA KOTFE |mentioned,KOTET |mentioned 2nd time, 5.6 | returning, determinate fate (dark side), 5.10

Both Dark and Light Side versions of Jaessa are coming back with Game Update 5.10, but you cannot get them both, it was also announced in the SWTOR Fall 2018 Roadmap. An additional Alliance Alert becomes available that allows you to meet Jaesa again and recruit her. If you are playing Dark Side, you can even kill her.

Major Pierce
| recruitable, KOTFE

Major Pierce was available for recruitment in Fallen Empire.

| recruitable, KOTFE

Broonmark was available for recruitment in his own mission The Last if His Kind.

Captain Malavai Quinn
| MIA, KOTFE | determinate fate, KOTET 5.2

Malavai came back in The War for Iokath with Update 5.2 and his fate was left in the hands of the Alliance Commander.

Sith Inquisitor

Khem Val
| MIA, KOTFE | returning, KOTET 5.10

Khem Val has been missing since Fallen Empire. For those, who sided with Zash in the Origins Class Story, Khem returned at the end of the Nathema Flashpoint and was killed. For those who sided with Khem, he returned with Game Update 5.10. Only Inquisitors, who sided with him in the origin storyline will be allowed to get him back.

Talos Drellik
| recruitable, KOTFE

Talos was available for recruitment in the Fighting Power with Knowledge alliance mission.

| recruitable, determinate fate, KOTFE

Xalek was also missing for some time after the events of KOTFE. After chapter 9, however, an alliance alert named “Death Before Dishonor” appeared for the Commander and after a visit to Ilum, Xalek’s fate was to be decided by you – recruit or not.

Xalek appeared in Death Before Dishonor alliance mission, where his fate was determined by you.

Andronikos Revel
| MIA, KOTFE | returning, KOTET 5.7

Andronikos came back with a personal class mission in Update 5.7.

Ashara Zavros
| MIA, KOTFE |mentioned,KOTET | MIA, mentioned 2nd time, KOTET 5.6 | returning KOTET 5.8

Ashara has been mentioned by both Master Ranos and Darth Hexid and later came back in Update 5.6 with her own recruitment mission.

Imperial Agent

Kaliyo Djannis
|recruited, determinate fate, KOTFE

Kaliyo came back in Chapter 10 of Fallen Empire. Her fate was determined later in Chapter 13 of the same Expansion.

|recruited, KOTFE |now defunct, KOTET

Scorpio surprised everyone by returning as The Lady of Sorrows in Chapter 7 of Fallen Empire. She is now defunct since Chapter 5 of Eternal Throne.

Doctor Eckard Lokin
|recruitable, KOTFE

Doctor Lokin is recrtuitable since Fallen Empire via an alliance mission that can be completed during the Rakghoul Plague Weekly event.

Ensign Reina Temple
| recruited, KOTET 5.6

Ensign Reina Temple returned with Update 5.6 during the A Traitor Among the Chiss story on Copero.

Vector Hyllius
| MIA KOTFE | returning KOTET 5.8

Vector has returned via a personal class mission in Update 5.8.

Bounty Hunter

| MIA,mentioned, KOTFE| returning, KOTET 5.9

Mako has been mentioned briefly in Fallen Empire, but has finally come back to the Bounty Hunter via a personal class mission in Update 5.9.

Torian Cadera
|recruited, KOTFE |determinate fate, KOTET

Torian was recruited during Fallen Empire and his fate was determined later in Chapter 8 of Eternal Throne.

|recruitable, KOTFE

Blizz came back in Fallen Empire with his own mission Little Boss.

Gault Renaow
|recruited, KOTFE

Gault appeared together with Vette in Fallen Empire’s Chapter 13 and was recruited to the Alliance there.

|recruitable, determinate fate, KOTFE

Skadge came back in Fallen Empire via the Alliance Mission Bonds of Duty. At the end of the same mission the Alliance Commander determined his fate.

Other Companions

The following two sections with companions are just to have the list complete. They are side-companions with little to no voice lines and will not contribute to your adventures too much. There are some exceptions, such as the conversations you can get from Hexid and Ranos on missing classic class companions, but not much else. I have split them in Legacy Companions and Alliance-related companions.

The following companions are accompanied by a little more detailed information to help you get up to speed on who they are and what role they play in the story. They are not a part of your character’s origin story (or not as much) and you may not know some of them very well or at all.

Leacy Companions

| recruited, KOTFE

Treek is an enthusiastic warrior who defied her primitive tribe’s rigid customs to seek adventure among the stars. Dissatisfied with the peaceful and quiet ways of her people, Treek is determined to achieve great things with her life. She travels the galaxy as a mercenary soldier, always on the hunt for new horizons and epic challenges to conquer.

Despite hailing from a technologically-archaic planet and species, Treek has adapted quickly to civilized space. Treek is unconcerned with material possessions or personal power. Her only goal is to forge a legacy that will outlive her.

In Treek’s mind, the greatest defeat is to be forgotten. She will do whatever it takes to ensure her name and deeds will be celebrated long after she is gone. Likes: Legendary conquests, exploring unknown territory, taking credit for victories Dislikes: Avoiding conflict, talking instead of fighting, secrecy and humility

| recruited, KOTFE

2V-R8 is a Seneschal-series factotum droid outfitted to serve the galaxy’s most dangerous individuals. Due to experiences with previous masters, he knows that any moment of weakness or failure could easily result in his permanent deactivation, and he has therefore created multiple subroutines to reroute all his processing capabilities, maximizing his efficiency when seeing to whatever single task his master has assigned him.

Despite the constant fear of destruction hanging over his head, 2V-R8 makes every effort to appear professional and composed. He has activated numerous crisis-management programming modules to assist him with handling the stress on his processors. So far, his power core has overheated only once.

SWTOR Companions Status List (After KOTFE and KOTET) (10)

| recruited, KOTFE

The droid designated HK-51 is cold, calculating and incredibly lethal. Housed in a sleek body resembling an antique Systech Corporation protocol unit, this HK-series assassination droid lay dormant in the hold of an Imperial vessel for many years. Whatever HK-51’s original programming dictated, he pledged absolute loyalty to his new master upon his reactivation.

HK-51 is a model of ruthless efficiency. His assassination protocols deteriorate unless they are put to frequent use. This leads to a constant acquisition, pursuit and permanent removal of qualified targets that would be seen as an obsession in any living being. Beyond expressing pride in successful assassinations, HK-51 has little patience for the trivial emotional problems of organics.

| recruited, KOTFE

C2-N2 is a model of gentlemanly manners and polite efficiency. A Hollis-series steward droid that served one of the Republic’s most famous heroes, he will do everything in his considerable programming power to ensure that his master’s starship always maintains the proper air of respectability. This includes high-powered dusting capabilities, monitoring the crew’s caloric intake and a selection of aromas from across the galaxy to satisfy even the pickiest of noses.

Alliance Recruiters, Star Fortress and Misc Companions

Choza Raabat
| recruitable, KOTFE (Alderaan Star Fortress)

Two years before the Republic and Empire broke the Treaty of Coruscant and resumed open war, Ithorian Jedi Knight Choza Rabaat embarked on a scouting mission into Wild Space. His vessel and astromech droid were destroyed in a crash that Choza barely escaped. He found himself marooned on an uncharted and uninhabited world, where he survived alone for ten long years.

Choza would still be there if a patrol ship from Zakuul hadn’t set down to survey the planet. When the crew opened fire on him for the crime of introducing himself and requesting rescue, he was forced to incapacitate them and commandeer their vessel. He returned to the Core Worlds after a lengthy interrogation of his prisoners that caught him up on a decade of history. Now he serves the Alliance to overthrow Emperor Arcann and restore freedom to the galaxy.

“Deadeye” Leyta
| recruitable, KOTFE (Tatooine Star Fortress)

Selonians are well known for their strong family ties, but there is a dark side to these tribal bonds. Conflicts between competing tribes can erupt into deadly feuds and terrible violence. The gun-for-hire “Deadeye” Leyta was the unquestioned victor of one such conflict when she single-handedly blasted every member of a rival family that had oppressed hers for years.

Given the enormity of the carnage–and the likelihood of reprisals–Leyta left her homeworld of Corellia and settled in the deserts of Tatooine, where she could at least spot potential assassins from a safe distance. Leyta quickly established herself as one of the planet’s best mercenaries, taking jobs from anyone willing to pay.

She continues to settle disputes in her own fashion, which usually ensures there’s no one left to make any trouble. The arrival of an Eternal Empire Star Fortress in orbit gave Leyta her biggest target yet, and she jumped at the chance to aid the Alliance Commander in blowing it out of the sky.

Hemdil Tre
| recruitable, KOTFE (Hoth Star Fortress)

Sometimes, fate imbues a single individual with an embarrassment of unrelated talents. In the case of Arcona war historian Hemdil Tre, that’s a keen scholar’s mind combined with some of the deadliest gun-fighting accuracy ever witnessed.

Those who underestimate him–or, worse, draw their weapons on him–have little time to recognize the error of their ways. He always feels bad about these altercations and apologizes profusely to the smoking remains.

Having chronicled the entire history of Arcona warfare, Hemdil now wishes to write the definitive biography of the Commander for the Alliance against the Eternal Empire. He has found a task worthy of both his specialties: Only a skilled blaster combatant has any hope of surviving the Commander’s many battles to write a first-person account. At long last, Hemdil Tre isn’t merely writing history–he’s living it.

| recruitable, KOTFE (Belsavis Star Fortress)

Not everyone who walks around with a Czerka BTZ-47 heavy assault cannon is looking for a fight. In a few cases, they’re more interested in opening a mutually beneficial dialogue. The Whiphid self-described “talent scout” known as K’krohl proudly raises his weapon as a calling card to announce that he’s open for business and seeking a few good mercenaries.

K’krohl has recruited forces for a diverse array of clients, from the Hutt Cartel’s Territorial Enforcers to Makeb’s InterStellar Regulators and even the Republic SIS’s Saboteur Squads. He believes that every criminal, no matter how despicable, has a hidden talent just waiting to be leveraged for the right cause. These days, his well-paying cause is to gather forces to fight for the Alliance against the Eternal Empire.

| recruitable, KOTFE (Voss Star Fortress)

Gormak have battled both Republic and Imperial forces on Voss since the day they made it their business to interfere with the ancient war for control of the planet. While most Gormak still bear a grudge against all outsiders, a few forward-thinking individuals have realized that the new invaders from Zakuul are a far greater threat to Voss. Rokuss is a hardened Gormak warrior who has looked beyond his people’s traditional hatreds and united with old foes to defeat the Eternal Empire.

He saw his older brothers fall in battle to the Alliance Commander years before the rise of Emperor Arcann. Where some would swear a blood oath of vengeance, Rokuss took the lesson that not all battles are worth fighting–and his brothers chose their enemy especially poorly. He now offers his services as soldier and bodyguard to the same Commander who killed his kin. In Rokuss’s eyes, helping to defeat the Eternal Empire at the Commander’s side is an honorable way to settle the family debt.

Veeroa Denz
| recruitable, KOTFE (Nar Shaddaa Star Fortress)

Many Sith have perished while defending their homeworlds from the Eternal Empire’s forces, but others have taken the opportunity to create new lives elsewhere. One such person is Veeroa Denz, a Nautolan slave whose Force sensitivity saw her thrown into the harsh acolyte training on Korriban.

She survived her trials and a cruel overseer only to become a target of Zakuul’s soldiers when they stormed the Sith Academy. She escaped the slaughter with a bit of luck and a well-timed betrayal of her overseer and fled to Nar Shaddaa to start a new life. Veeroa embraced the unlimited freedom of the Smuggler’s Moon, offering help to other fugitives whose Force sensitivity had made them targets of the Eternal Empire’s ruthless advance.

Eventually, those armies arrived in orbit around Nar Shaddaa as well, and Veeroa saw her new home become a prison. She has sworn to aid the Alliance only until Zakuul is vanquished, after which she plans to resume her quiet life of freedom in the shadows.

Bey’wan Aygo
| recruitable, KOTFE

From his birth, Bey’wan Aygo’s artistic parents nurtured him to follow in their footsteps. But ever since, as a young Bothan, he first spied a space battle through a telescope over his home world, the only art Aygo has wanted to practice is that of interstellar combat.

Bey’wan first made a name for himself at the Battle of Kuat, and has since impressed his superiors with his fresh, innovative tactics. When Arcann invaded the Core Worlds, Bey’wan was quick to put together a variety of initiatives to counter the Eternal Empire’s assault. His plans were stonewalled by Chancellor Saresh, who was more interested in continuing her war against the Sith.

When he protested Saresh’s orders, he was discharged. However, his yelling did attract the attention of Theron Shan, who approached him to become the Alliance military specialist.

SWTOR Companions Status List (After KOTFE and KOTET) (12)

Hylo Visz
| recruitable as Alliance Specialist, KOTFE

Hylo Visz is best known as the pilot responsible for breaking the Mandalorian Blockade of Hydian Way. Well-compensated for her efforts, Hylo planned to live a life of luxury with her partner Tyresius Lokai (also known as Gault Rennow).

Unfortunately, those plans were wrecked when Lokai stole Hylo’s fortune and left her unable to pay her considerable debts to the Hutt Cartel for funding the operation to break the blockade.

Out of options, Hylo was forced to hide in a stasis pod on Belsavis for ten years. Lokai eventually found and freed her, but it was too little, too late. Hylo returned to a life of crime until Theron Shan lured her into working for the Alliance.

Juvard Illip Oggurobb
| recruitable as Alliance Specialist, KOTFE

Few engineers can boast to have singlehandedly ignited a war with the power of their genius, but Doctor Juvard Illip Oggurobb is a Hutt quite unlike any other. A master of engineering, both as a discipline and an art form, it was Dr. Oggurobb who invented the theories and designs behind isotope-5 technology.

While his true specialty lies in droid design, Dr. Oggurobb’s brilliance extends to most any technical field, his genius matched only by his boldness of personality, and his passion for “technical artistry.” Dr. Oggurobb is your alliance’s engineering specialist, leading the group’s research and development efforts.

| recruited as Alliance Specialist, KOTFE

Voss Mystics are powerful Force seers whose visions guide and protect the Voss people. In a society that’s naturally suspicious of “Outsiders,” it’s rare for a Voss citizen to leave their homeworld, and almost unheard of for a Mystic. But Sana-Rae has proven unique even by her people’s standards.

While Voss Mystics are normally uninterested in Sith and Jedi philosophies, Sana-Rae joined the Alliance with an open mind. Her vision showed an Enclave of Force users who walk a variety of paths, share knowledge and grow stronger by gaining an understanding from their differences. She knows that she too will change, but has the courage to accept it.

| recruited, KOTFE

Z0-0M is a cheerful droid encountered by HK-55 in the Shroud’s secret base.

Darth Marr
| recruited, defunct, KOTFE

One of the longest-serving members of the Dark Council, Darth Marr is a terrifying warrior and a true believer in the Sith Code. In the early days of the Great Galactic War, he seized world after world for the expanding Empire and gained a reputation for personally leading charges against Republic defenders.

However, once the Empire had established its power and the war began to drag on, Marr found fewer opportunities to directly engage in the fray–a situation that embittered the Sith Lord.

Since the demise of Darth Malgus, Marr has become the unofficial leader of the Dark Council. Disgusted by the infighting that plagues the Sith, he’s gone to great lengths to promote pragmatism and even brokered a temporary alliance with the Republic to defeat Revan on Yavin 4. While some Council members may disagree with Marr’s methods, none doubt that his highest priority is the Empire’s best interests.

| recruitable, KOTFE

Gryyzak was a male Wookiee Senator of the Galactic Republic in the aftermath of the Zakuul–Republic treaty. In 3632 BBY his friend Hylo Visz offered him an invitation to ally with the Anti-Zakuul Alliance, but lost his signal in the Alderaan system.

On the surface of Alderaan, Gryyzak was supposed to meet with a Talz senator at the Parliament, but the meeting was interrupted by an attack by the ferocious Talz Broonmark, forcing both Senators into protective custody. Broonmark chased the senators and their bodyguards and eventually killed all except Gryyzak.

When he was about to finish him off, the Alliance Commander arrived, send by Hylo Visz to check up on Gryyzak. Broonmark explaied that he wanted to kill the Wookiee for his peacekeeping efforts with the Talz, which Broonmark saw as robbing them of their true nature.

The Alliance Commander refused to allow an innocent to be killed and Broonmark attacked him, refusing to be spared after being defeated. Gryyzak then expresses his thanks to his rescuer and provided his aid to the Alliance.

| recruitable, determinate fate, KOTET | romancable, KOTET 5.8

Arcann escaped death during the Battle of Odessen, but you ultimately tracked him down on Zakuul–and destroyed him.

| recruitable, KOTFE

Ak’ghal Usar, the Last Lord of Urkupp, is a being out of time. Seeking vengeance for his fellow Dashade who were eradicated in the Great Sith War, Usar traveled to Yavin 4 in the hope of confronting his people’s killer, only to be trapped in stasis instead. Now, centuries later, his original target is gone, as is the Sith who imprisoned him–Valkorion. Still hungry for vengeance, Ak’ghal Usar is willing to join forces to exact his revenge on the best targets remaining to him: Arcann and the forces of the Eternal Empire.

| recruited, defunct, recruited back KOTFE

Unlike previous HK units, the HK-55 model was designed to be a loyal bodyguard, not an assassination droid. Created specifically to combat the Eternal Empire during Arcann’s invasion of the Core Worlds, HK-55 was given to Lana Beniko, then head of Sith Intelligence, for her own protection.

Although programmed with etiquette protocols to fit Imperial culture, HK-55 still has a few personality-matrix quirks, including an obsession with the term “meatbag” passed down from the HK-47 model. Despite his amiable disposition, it would be a mistake to think HK-55 a less proficient killer than his counterparts.

SWTOR Companions Status List (After KOTFE and KOTET) (14)

Nico Okarr
| recruited, KOTFE

Years before the Sith Empire launched the Great Galactic War, Nico was one of the most celebrated mercenary spacers on the Outer Rim. His deeds were legendary, but so were his debts, leading him to take the most high-risk and even-higher-reward underworld contracts available. Every criminal syndicate from the Hutt Cartel down competed for his services because he always delivered the goods, no matter the odds.

Ultimately, that was his undoing. When the Jedi Order assigned astromech droid T7-O1 to an undercover sting operation as Nico’s co-pilot on the Redshifter, events conspired to place everyone on Korriban just in time for the Sith Empire’s devastating return to Republic space. Nico personally saved Satele Shan and fled the Imperial Fleet to warn Coruscant of the danger–and promptly escaped custody never to be seen again… until now.

Theron Shan
| recruited, KOTFE | left, KOTET 5.4 | Returned, KOTET 5.9

Some are driven to follow in their parents’ footsteps, while others loathe the very idea. For Theron Shan, it’s a moot point. In keeping with Jedi strictures against attachment, Theron’s mother, Grand Master Satele Shan, sent her infant son to be raised by the Jedi who trained her, Master Ngani Zho. When it became evident that Theron was not Force sensitive, he abandoned any notion of becoming a Jedi.

He joined the Strategic Information Service, using his adventurous nature and unique skillset to become a trusted field agent for the Republic. Despite his success against the Revanites, Theron was put on administrative leave after Master Satele and Chancellor Saresh discovered he sent a team of black-ops Jedi to Ziost without their knowledge.

Arcann’s invasion of the Core Worlds accelerated his reinstatement into the SIS, but Saresh’s policies frustrated him. When Lana Beniko approached him with a plan to build an alliance against Arcann, Theron was happy to walk away and fight what he considered the real threat to the galaxy.

SWTOR Companions Status List (After KOTFE and KOTET) (15)

Lana Beniko
| recruited, KOTFE

With her serene and considerate manner, Lana Beniko might be mistaken for a Jedi. However, she is a Sith Lord of great wisdom and strength who has impressed many of her peers with her keen insights into the nature of the Force. With the Revanite plot thwarted, Darth Marr recognized Lana’s talents and appointed her head of Sith Intelligence.

Unfortunately, her first assignment as minister ended in disaster when the Sith Emperor consumed all life on Ziost. Since Arcann’s rise to power, she has been on the run, devising a plan to find the one person who can return order to the galaxy….

Koth Vortena
| recruited, KOTFE

Koth Vortena is a former captain in the Zakuulan military who defected with his crew when he was ordered to kill civilians. While on the run from Zakuul Knights, he met Lana Beniko, and the two began plotting to dethrone Emperor Arcann.

With Lana’s prowess as a Sith Lord and Koth’s skills in the pilot seat, the two became a formidable thorn in the Eternal Empire’s side–eventually breaking out the legendary Outlander accused of assassinating Valkorion. A proud Zakuulan, Koth has high hopes for the future of his homeworld and longs for the days of peace and prosperity under Valkorion’s reign.

Senya Tirall
| recruited, KOTFE

A former Knight of Zakuul, Senya Tirall is a complex individual. Cold and unyielding on the job, kind and empathetic in private, Senya was responsible for hunting Koth Vortena and his crew after they betrayed the Eternal Empire. But Senya eventually came to recognize the same injustices in Arcann’s rule that Koth had, and chose to uphold her ideals over her Emperor. After making contact with Lana Beniko, Senya joined the mission to overthrow Arcann and return peace and justice to the galaxy.

SWTOR Companions Status List (After KOTFE and KOTET) (16)

Darth Hexid
| recruitable, KOTET 5.6

Darth Hexid is a connoisseur of the dark side. Renowned for her brutal combat prowess and decadent lifestyle, she enjoys the many pleasures of a celebrated Sith, whether savoring exotic feasts held in her honor or hunting down her foes as they flee in a panic. Instead of joining the political infighting of her Sith peers, she amuses herself by watching their rabid power games from the sidelines–lightsaber in one hand, spice wine in the other.

Darth Hexid earned infamy following her devastating triumphs in the Great Galactic War, but it was the Sith Order’s crushing defeat at the hands of Zakuul’s conquering army that forever defined her. She now pursues the complete annihilation of the Eternal Empire. Vengeance will be hers, even if it demands a pact with the Outlander’s Alliance.

Master Ranos
| recruitable, KOTFE 4.6

Master Ranos has always walked her own path, turning her back on the Jedi Council to follow what she calls “the will of the Force.” A true champion of the light side, her journey led her to the farthest reaches of the galaxy, where she used her formidable skills to serve and protect those on the dangerous frontiers of galactic civilization. But now the Force has given her a new purpose: join the Outlander’s Alliance in their battle against the Eternal Empire.

Shae Vizla
| recruited, KOTET 5.1

An infamous bounty hunter and deadly warrior, Shae Vizla forged her reputation more than 20 years ago by allying with the Sith Empire against the Jedi and Republic. She reluctantly took up the mantle of leadership for her people after the rise of the Eternal Empire and the death of Mandalore the Vindicated.

Declaring herself Mandalore the Avenger, she now works with the Outlander’s Alliance to break Zakuul’s iron grip over the galaxy. Shae Vizla is currently the best DPS companion thanks to an added AoE Bonus to her performance. She uses two guns and this gives her an advantage.

SWTOR Companions Status List (After KOTFE and KOTET) (17)

Paxton Rall
| recruitable, KOTET 5.10

This “famous” pirate comes as a special reward to active Subscribers on December 15th, 2018. His achievement “Cantina Crawl” leaked into the game months ago, but BioWare kept their mouths shut until recently. Paxton will have a recruitment Alliance mission available, but it is currently unknown when will it become available. If you wish to play with him early, you must be an active Subscriber on the aforementioned date and you will receive an in-game token that will grant you Paxton as a companion.

SWTOR Companions Status List (After KOTFE and KOTET) (18)

Gamorrean Guard
| reward from the Nightlife event

Short, squat humanoids, Gamorreans are easily identifiable by their greenish skin and porcine features. On their homeworld, they live in clans, where the male boars serve exclusively as warriors while the female sows tend the day-to-day affairs like farming, raising young and crafting weapons.

Known for their physical strength and endurance, Gamorreans are generally considered a species of below average intelligence. Unable to speak Basic because of their physiology, most Gamorreans are still able to comprehend it and find a place in the galactic community as soldiers, guards or mercenaries. Due to their reputation for violence and brutality, they are often employed by crime lords, gang leaders and various other criminal elements.

Best SWTOR companion based on their role

Although BioWare’s intentions were to made the companions perform similarly to allow players to choose which one they like best and have that companion follow and assist them at any given time, there are select companions that excel at certain tasks.

The best DPS companion currently is Shae Vizla. She has an added AoE bonus and her double-guns gameplay style gives her an advantage over others.

Being a Ranged companion also allows her to stay away from the hot zone (around you usually) and not move constantly as she switches targets during combat. This saves time.

Other good options are Nico Okarr and in general any double-blaster companion in your list.

To receive the best healing possible choose Zoom (Z0-0M). This is a bonus companion available only if you have completed the Bonus KOTFE chapter. Zoom also has an added AoE heal bonus, which makes it the perfect choice for group effort.

Melee companions are not ideal healers as they have to move around often while they change targets, especially if you are melee as well.

Paxton Rall is a good healer as well and will save your skin often, while also talk weird things in a typical for him style.

I love my Doc, but he has been seriously outperformed in several touch scenarios over the years by Zoom and, at one point during the level 65 Era, by Treek as well.

The best Tanks are ranged companions for prolonged fights. They attract more attention and build better aggro than the melee tank companions over a long period of time.

Master Ranos is a good example for a tank for shorter encounters like trash, leveling and easier Flashpoints or Uprisings bosses.

If you play solo, it is almost always better to use a DPS companion instead of a Tank one. In certain scenarios like Flashpoints of Uprisings you might find it better to have a Tank companion.

For most cases I would suggest that you take out the last ability in each of the companions’ hotbars. Especially for a healing companion that long stun is nearly useless.

Also worth noting that Shae Vizla and Zoom are the best companions in their roles for leveling up and at level 75 as well.


SWTOR Companions Status List (After KOTFE and KOTET) (2024)


How long is kotfe? ›

Main Story214h 41m
Main + Extras110h 8m
All PlayStyles313h 10m

How to get companions in SWTOR? ›

You'll gain companions as you play your personal class storyline, and your first companion will show up on the planet that you start your character on, near the end of your class storyline on that planet. To get your first companion, simply follow the purple quests.

How many companions can you have in the Old Republic? ›

During a player's main storyline, they can obtain up to six companion characters at one time. With the addition of Section X on Belsavis it's now possible for all classes to gain a seventh companion, HK-51, once they reach level 50. Only one can accompany the player off the player's starship.

Can you keep Darth Marr as a companion? ›

The player also briefly gains Darth Marr as a companion, but it only lasts for a very short amount of time, as Marr is killed by the end of the Chapter.

Do you get Khem Val back? ›

Khem is only able to be claimed by his default class so if your not playing one of those two, you cannot get him. Lastly you have to have sided with him during the main storyline. If you choose to side with Zash and let her win between her and khem so she takes over his body, you cannot get khem back.

How many chapters are there in Kotfe? ›

Chapters. The expansion is comprised of 16 different chapters, each expanding the story. The first nine were made available to players during early access (October 20th) and expansion launch (October 27th), with the other five chapters set to be released during the months to follow.

How long does it take to beat Old Republic? ›

Powered by IGN Wiki Guides
Main Story2880h 25m
Main + Extras38223h 50m
Completionist32238h 20m
All PlayStyles69253h 14m

Is Knights of the Fallen Empire free? ›

Subscribers of Star Wars: The Old Republic can access and play all chapters of the evolving Knights of the Fallen Empire story for free.

What is the most populated server in swtor? ›

Star Forge and Darth Malgus are high population. Satele Shan and Tulak Hord are medium population. The Leviathan and Shae Vizla are low population.

What is the highest companion level in swtor? ›

Players who are crafting or gathering on a regular basis may want to raise up multiple companions on multiple characters, and a companion's influence level goes all the way up to level 50.

How do I recruit Darth Hexid? ›

Darth Hexid Recruitment

To earn Darth Hexid, you must complete the "With a Little Help From My Friends" achievement, which requires that you run 40 Flashpoints, Uprisings, Starfighter matches, Warzones or Operations through the groupfinder.

Can you romance more than one person in the Old Republic? ›

STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™

You can only have one romance at the same time. If you romance a new option the previous romance will break up.

What is Max level in Star Wars Old Republic? ›

Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ offers a Galaxy of possibilities for all players: Play for free up to level 60 and enjoy the original Class and planetary storylines plus the Rise of the Hutt Cartel and Shadow of Revan digital expansions.

What happened to the Talz in Star Wars? ›

After the death of Cho, Pantoran Senator Riyo Chuchi talked and ended the war with the Chieftain of the village, Thi-Sen, after which the Talz were officially recognized as a free and equal people and were allowed to live peacefully on their homeworld.

Can you restore a deleted character in swtor? ›

Submit a polite(1) in-game ticket, and make sure to provide as much as possible of the following information: * The character's name, spelled 100% accurately, including all accents, tildes, cedillas and so on(2) in the right places. * The server you deleted the character on.

How do you equip a companion in Star Wars The Old Republic? ›

On the bottom part of the Character sheet is a Tab Labeled "Companion" Left click this. Open your inventory without closing the companion character sheet ("B" is default). Now either drag and drop the new gear from the inventroy to the character sheet or simply right click the new gear (This includes companion kits).

Could Darth Malgus return? ›

Malgus made his return during the Invasion of Ossus at the start of the third Galactic War, serving under Emperor Darth Vowrawn and the Sith Empire, becoming a military commander for them once more.

How do you reunite with Ashara? ›

How to continue romance: Players can resume their romance with Ashara after completing the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion and the To Find a Findsman Alliance Alert. Press N on your keyboard to open the Companions & Contact menu.


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