The Zanesville Signal from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

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Wednesday Evening December 4 1940 Page ive Side Glances By Galbraith Walter Winchell ROBERTS MAIN THIRD Stop TALLEST HOTEL No Extra Charges Or Credit CHICAGO OLDEST CREDIT JEWELERS" REE! until BIG AS A BABY 62 $88 ALL STEEL! WAGON LARGE VELOCIPEDE 319 77 LARGE! PEDAL BIKE SCOOTER ALL STEEL! 98 LARGE! Steel WAGON s2 79 60 MODELS WHITE CHEVROLET CO 21 Main St End Bridge Phone 3511 drink Phone 1248 ZANESVILLE 36 5th St Tripfo frting 7ie honored" watch THE WORLD'S MOST Ji SEAR OE UCK AND CO WATCHES HAVE WON 10 WORLD'S sgs xr LEAPING MOUSE SACRAMENTO (INS A mouse that leaps like an Austra lian kangeroo a three toed wood pecker an a shew only three inches long counting its tail were some of the freaks recently found in Ta hoe National orest in California The specimens are being collected by the Universit yof California 90 HORSEPOWER STANDARD ENGINE PRIZES 28 COLD MEDALS WORTH $30(1 26 INf HES TALL MOVIX6 EYES light blue and Ivory LEONARD HICKS Managing Director HIGH VITAMIN COUNT IN CEREAL SYRUP Lftrge 2Rvl3 one piece hotly Dou ble dine wheel rubber tire COUGH SY UUP Edna Johnson who divorced Ed gar James (who was melted by the current Mrs Charles Chaplin) is towning with Charles Chaplin who with Paulette Goddard Simon Schuster will put Ralph British pieces between covers for the Yuletide trade grand niece Kath Rennell of Southport and Upton the polo player are plan ning an April blending a girl for the McMahons He was recently the Attorney General She was Rosemary Tur ner Washington debeautiful ifty night spots and restaurants will be charged with non payment of ederal amusem*nt taxes Pay or fold The vice squad is plan ning another drive The re mains of the Broadway mobs have the men miscroscoping Ohio and Michigan Patricia Dane says nobody else matters but Lew Ayres The glamorous gal on the Vogue cover is Med Mundy Con over model and soloist in the St Thomas church choir! THE ZANESVILLE SIGNAL Berlin observes: take that dog meat story seriously If any eating it over there the Polish and other a baby girl for the Hansons of 51st and 7th Mama is the for mer Marguerite Lund ex Roxy chorineLast riday mom the entire night crew at the Brewster Aeronautical Plant (I I) were de tained because four bombs were supposed to have been found there MORRISON HOTEL CHURCH SUPPER The Aid society of the Putnam Presbyterian church will sponsor a chicken and ham supper in the dining hall from 5 until 7 Thursday evening Bright rnxmel ed finish I think I recognize that captain he used to be one of my chauf feurs before the army got me" past several weeks where were guests of their son daughter in law Mr and Ivan Morris returned home day Perley Rubrake of Spring ueia spent iro nibaturciay Tuesday at his home here each Actually worth S3! A big hrautitul baby 26 inches tall! So life like she almost breathes! Starry moving eyes 1 TOYLAND IN BAsem*nT Sophie Tucker says rank Bar baro owner of The Bowery Cafe in Detroit proposed marriage and to prove it has held her act over a second week Ann Corio the strip TNTser bought herself a $25000 annuity Joyce Mathews of the Jolson show and Virgil Moore are skinna marink a dink ing But so are Renee DuPont of That amily and Chas Parr HI Ingrid Bergman and Goddard are the current heroine mentions for film version of his best seller The Mirror and Journal composing room affair at the iesta to morrow wil gift the proceeds to morrow will gift the proceeds to may go into the Pago Pago Club deserting the Stock Exchange rances Winwar author of Wilde and the Yellow is being sued for libel by Lord Alfred Douglas friend Vic Mature carries a bit of apparel in his pocket MOST POWERUL TRUCK ENGINES IN THE LOW PRICE IELD BOYS GIRLS WIN A CHRISTMAS GIT! ENTER SEARS TOYLAND WORDS CONTEST 10 VALUABLE 1st Prize Bicycle 2nd Prize Electric Train and 8 other valuable prizes Get Entry Blank and Infor mation Toyland In Basem*nt MAN ABOUT TOWN Deanna mother is expected to announce engagement to Paul at a party here on the 21st Marshall ield the millionaire publisher offered Ambassador post in England and turned it down Esther Ralston the ex screen star is in the hospital having her appendix frozen Joan Crawford defaulted the $25000 breach of contract action brought by producer Lee Morrison He now demands full payment La Crawford is busy writing heT answer (in a Hollywood mag) to a recent critic Mary Brian's current breath taker is Robert Smith The premiere in Washing ton was crowded with fireworks backstage when rances Williams and Stage Manager Ledner had it out Sammy forgot to knock on her undressing room before entering Such a to do! Rumor has ex Tammany Leader Hines in Sigrid Lassen the Club Cuba thrush was severely beaten up by a socially registered lass her best friend' St Clair hifalutin airs jarred the nerves of Herald Tribbers at When he challenged John Lardner to come outside (where Lardner went) McKelway suddenly changed his mind Pretty Ann Grahah of is weighing the marriage proposal of a former a wealthy Detroiter named Larson How truitz that the British Purchasing Commission staff at 15 Broadway carry rods? Even the receptions! One of Movieville's makes night spot waiters ill by alowing his femme ecsorts to pick up the check Barbara Hill lorida melting to wed Marian boy Bill Reggie oster Peggy Ann Oglesby has established residence in Miami to be free from Congress man Oblesby's son Woodson The Bernie (Variety) Woods an ticipate a little Mugg The Ted Bassetts (Susan Slater) are imag ing James itzpatrick chief of the White Rats (before Equity) married a widow in Newtown When many said it was a press stunt the colyum (months ago) said Des! Arnaz and Lucille Ball would be stitched in Nov De scription of Eth Barrymore in Corn Is rank ay in drag Koak Wynkoop Mrs Brent in Cincin The next Pleaae" film (with Willkie) will omit his state ment in reply to the query: cabinet is this in this pho tograph? Willkie answered: "My It was film ed before his nominationThe Joe Browns will be wed 25 years on Dec 24th They will celebrate it by being remarried in St Thom church Hollywood Their son Don will give the bride away Editors are ignoring sensational stories in the Dies White Paper frinstance: Top of page 1056 The last three words on page 1050 The second half of page 1041 Exhibit No 165 and the hottest of them all: The 3rd paragraph on page 1032 and the last half of ex hibit No 133 Why ail the eye brow raising because Chaplin ad mitted being wed to Paulette? We had it years ago (wed on a yacht) and Chaplin confirmed it to Winston Churchill's son! "Little all uteri with rub ber tirc enameled 10 ineh body! Watch for charges from Wash ington against all three radio net works alleging conspiracy In a quiet and unpublished prosecution the Times succeeded in con vincing two men who during the political campaign issued a circular containing a "phony Times Never ran in the Times at all' The latest wrinkle in town: Bot tled eggnogs by the same firm that harnessed the Carioca zombie under glass Lowdown from BRANNON CULLINS CHEVROLET CO Trinway OK the pause that refreshes NEW RECIRCULATING BALL BEARING STEERING GEAR greatly reduces steering brings true passengercarsteeringeaseto truck operation NEW MORE COMORTABLE DRIVER'S COMPARTMENT with greatly increased leg room and better rorm ntting seat and back in cabs giving much greater driver comfort QUICK TO stxrta aoolbio your raa irritated throat immediately speedily eaung the misery QUICK TO CURB COUGHING SPELLS on the couah atarting ticklee with unbebevaHe rapsdicy QUICK TO HELP BREAK UP THE ofee acta internally to speed the loosening ot that harsh dry conch ka nnflinl (attm nf rwrair in VOK hedT to throw off that cough quicker when you take triple acting roey Honey a ar iCTiiBQCiituAJs vXitS if YOUR 1 (su's 1 fW IMf ket6S yean) the most satisfactory couch eynip you 93 HORSEPOWER HEAVY DUTY "LOAD MASTER" ENGINE (OptaMalaf extra eoetoa Heavy Dufy frveh) Rig 35 In steel arootrr! Double disc wheel rub her tired! 'ar nhhed wood handle Brightred enamel RED CROSS CI ASS A Red Cross first aid class con ducted by Miss Betty Imlay will meet from 7 until 9 each Monday and Wednesday evening at Hanco*ck junior high school Persons wishing to enroll are re quested to contact Miss Louise Claudy secretary of the Muskin gum County Red Cross association at city hall utroller both! Kobe rts LONGINES WATCHES TOR CHRISTMAS lonoinM Poe Avaoa 1A S44SO Lonqinos ChoMMON w9O konowias mH at oim la Zanesville Loa ginea watches Are Sold At Roberta only Associate Dealers MOTOR SALES Duncan alls JOHN GLENN CHEVROLET CO New Concord OLEYS Sure Checked My Cough hefaieityofuHrtAe MASSIVE NEW TRUCK STYLING making these new 1941 Chevrolet trucks the best looking as well as the best performing trucks in the entire lowest price field NEW LONGER WHEELBASE Red 20 A former glamour girl from the shows down on her luck took her last five spot and wired a flock of former pals who front lined with her some of whom married mil lionaires Out of 10 telegrams she got one reply That came within five hours rom Marcelle Ed wards who sent $100 Hooray for Marcelle Doug Hertz the polo promoter and Mary Goodfellow the Madison Avenue milliner will wed at The Little Church Around the Corner on the 21st Her pop is a big Canadian lumber man Herbert Smith Yale star (his dad is of Rubber) will marry Dorothy Power the little girl at Rumson George Sylvester Viereck and cronies have a retreat in a Bridgeport taproom close to the Remington Arms and Pratt Whitney plants An paper has detectives tracking the source for an ugly chain letter flooding the city Mortimer Low ell the ad exec relays this ex cellent safety slogan: be a patient pedestrian that a pedes trian And Robert Harris knows a ham who is so publicity mad he cut his name of of the telephone directory and pasted it in his scrapbook! A 2 in alue because Skeleton Is ound May Be "Red Coat" CINCINNATI (INS) our brass buttons unearthed with a (human skeleton led Clarence Mauer to believe he has discovered the remains of the only British Redcoat to die in what is now Hamilton county during the Rev olutionary war And the dead name probably was McCarty Along with the skeleton and the buttons were bits of boot leather red cloth from the coat portions of a crude wooden coffin and several hand made nails A hole in the skull of the skeleton" presumably was made by a musket ball The buttons cleansed of the grime and rust of 170 years in the laboratories of the University of Cincinnati bore the inscription: "London Double researches disclosed that in June 1870 a certain Captain Bird led an expedition of 600 Brit ish soldiers and Indians down from Detroit to Kentucky through the Miami valley destroying several colonial outposts en route In his diary located at the Congressional Library in Washington Captain Bird related that he had lost only one man now for that cold caused cough and you may be making i similar nappy report far sooner than you runs think possible That because of the superb roky triple acting formula which makes hike with tubular steel frame Rear step plale Rub ON NINE LONGER WH EELBASES A COMPLETE LINE OR ALL LINES BUSINESS Mrs Arie Woodford Honored at Party BEVERLY Mrs Arie Woodford was pleasantly surprised recently when her family gathered at her home in honor of her birthday an niversary Her children were all I present with the exception of James Woodford and wife of Pitts i burgh Pa A pot luck dinner fea turing two birthday cakes was served and Mrs Woodford receiv ed a number of gifts I Those prseent were Mr andMrs ulton Quigley and daughter (Barbara and Mr and Mrs LeroyStober of Marietta Homer Wood ford of Pittsburgh Pa Mrs Ves ta Wood and Mr and Mrs DeweyWoodford of Waterford: Mr and Mrs Dale Johnson and Mr and Mrs Seth Woodford and children Jane Ann and Roger of Beverlyand Lyle Denver and BiH Wood ford of the Christmas Programs The Beverly Methodist Sundayschool is planning two Christmasprograms On Sunday evening Dec 22 a cantata will be present ed under the direction of Mrs Richardson and on Monday eve ning Dec 23 the primary and jun ior departments will give a pro gram On the committee in charge are Mrs Stanley Johnson Mrs Richardson Mrs Yarnall Mrs Ora Longley and Mrs Rohrer Youth Rally A delegation of young people from Beverly will attend the youth rally att he irst Baptist church Marietta Sunday evening Rev Richard Haley will be the speaker News Briefs Darlene Ann Curtis daughter of Mr and Mrs George Curtis and a student in the second grade of Beverly schools is ill with scarlet fever The Ladies5 Saving society of the Presbyterian church will hold a social and bazaar in the church social room on riday Mrs Sevilla unk left Tuesday for her winter home at Sarasota la Mr and Mrs George Morris who have been in Chicago III the they and Mrs Mon Roseville Group To Meet Thursday ROSEVILLE A meeting of the Methodist iety of Christian Service will be held in the church parlors Thursday eve ning at 7:30 The follow ing committee will be in charge of the social hour: Mrs Lillian Woods Mrs Lucille Marple Mrs Helen Paxton Mrs Lois Shelley and Mrs Mae Moody Christmas Bazaar The members of the Society of Christian service will hold a Christmas bazaar at the church on riday afternoon and evening at 4 o'clock Needlework and other homemade articles will be for sale Members of Circle No 3 will serve short order lunches during the evening Aid Society The Aid Society of the Presbyterian church will' meet at 1:30 Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs Margaret Cope with Mrs Onie Rider as assistant host ess Westminster Guild Mr and Mrs Robert Brumage will entertain members of the Westminster guild and their famil ies at their home this evening at 7:30 o'clock ollowing the busi ness session a program will be pre sented and a gift exchange and re freshments will be enjoyed Brief Mention Miss Edna Maye Campbell home economics teacher in the local high school is ill at her home with mumps Carroll Hupp of Gratiot was a recent vistior at the home of Mr and Mrs Neil Allen Mr and Mrs Miss Dorothy Reed and Weaver spent Sunday nati Mr and Mrs Leonard Dunkle of Mt Vernon were Sunday guests of his parents Mr and Mrs Paul leming and son Donald Mrs rank Gottke and son Warren weer Columbus visitors Saturday Mr and Mrs Arthur Longstreth spent Sunday with Rev and Mrs Stephenson of Amelia former Roseville residents Mrs Clarence Bishop is ill at her home On Broadway Trade Mark Registered Copyright Dally Mirror) UM Wide Kaddlr shaped seat! Easy riding rub ber tired wheel Red and ivorj enameled 12 front wheel 2 in Walker Stroller One Teaspoon Equals 15 Eggs in Vitamin B1 How would you like to get the Vitamin content of 15 eggs In one teaspoon of a pleasant tasting syrup? Maybe you think a lot nf eggs It is! But not too much Vitamin In fact about the amount advised by the American Medical Association for every adult person every day One teaspoon of Wheatamin Brand Extract of Rice Bran pro vides as much Vitamin Bl as 15 eggs nearly a pound of liver or 3 cups uncooked oatmeal PLUS other necessary factors required for nutrition growth good digestion good elimination and restful sleep Wheatamin Brand Extract is safe made from a natural food cereal Approved by Good House keeping Bureau Ask for it TO DAY if looking for "more miles per ECKERD'S DRUG STORE WEAR THE WORLD'S MOST HONORED WATCH THE WORLD'S MOS? HONORED HANDS 1 MM MMh i A 1 1 i ill 2 si eoim 1MO Hta Msmct wc mc mt orr a I Hz JJ II csd i It A i 1 Ml HI 61 jflr BL iVf CHI: ill i Mi i hrfr'ii i IK 1 A 'L7 NEW 1941 CHEVROLET TRUCKS! i'VAl nfeDl IM a I fin i) IM Llv LI xl LXZI a da'3 I i nno mn 3 Ml iUV LX I bw 10 4 ftW aa "fx tL' Wf Priced rom a 59c to $100 Pn la 5 juol 525 Main SEARS ANO 3 ON1 5e ifWV gSvjf 11 1 A am i mrwiii irnri qttja ii 11 $le a 4 tiats wiy Kresgi's 57 Ji I.

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The Zanesville Signal from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)


How did Zanesville Ohio get its name? ›

Zanesville was named after Ebenezer Zane, who had constructed Zane's Trace, a pioneer road from Wheeling, Virginia to Maysville, Kentucky through present-day Ohio. In 1797, he gave land as payment to his son-in-law, John McIntire, at the point where Zane's Trace met the Muskingum River.

Where is the Y Bridge in Zanesville Ohio? ›

What is the history of Putnam Zanesville Ohio? ›

Putnam was its own town then, across the Muskingum River from Zanesville, which also built a state capital building. From 1810 to 1812, Zanesville was the state's capital. Two Ohio Abolition Society conventions were held at the Stone Academy in 1835 and 1839.

What famous person was born in Zanesville Ohio? ›

Addison Richards. Addison Richards was born on 20 October 1902 in Zanesville, Ohio, USA. He was an actor, known for The Ten Commandments (1956), Nick Carter, Master Detective (1939) and Ball of Fire (1941). He was married to Patricia Anne Sarazln and Anna Vivian Eccles.

What was Ohio originally called? ›

The Northwest Territory originally included areas previously called Ohio Country and Illinois Country.

Why is the Y bridge famous? ›

Since the early 1800s, the Y Bridge has received worldwide attention. Ripley's Believe It or Not featured Zanesville's Y Bridge as “the only bridge in the world which you can cross and still be on the same side of the river.” The bridge grabbed the attention of airplane pilots as well.

What river goes through Zanesville Ohio? ›

The Muskingum is formed at Coshocton in east-central Ohio by the confluence of the Walhonding and Tuscarawas rivers. It flows in a meandering course southward past Conesville and Dresden to Zanesville, and then southeastward past Lowell.

How old is the Y bridge in Zanesville, Ohio? ›

Zanesville Ohio's First Y Bridge: 1814 to 1818

In addition, he was to establish ferries where his Trace crossed important rivers. The first settlers in Zanesville were Ferrymen Henry Crooks and William McCulloch who, in 1797, operated ferries across the Muskingum River. Early ferries were planks secured to canoes.

What is the race population in Zanesville Ohio? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Zanesville, OH are White (Non-Hispanic) (80.4%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (8.59%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (6.58%), Two+ (Hispanic) (1.3%), and Asian (Non-Hispanic) (1.26%).

What is Zanesville Ohio best known for? ›

Zanesville was for a time known as the “pottery capital of the world.” The city's numerous pottery companies produced household objects, such as bowls and pitchers, that are still popular among collectors. Zanesville hosts an annual pottery festival (July).

How many animals were killed in Zanesville Ohio? ›

During the night of chaos, an escaped lion killed a monkey, and bears and lions were charging at horses kept at the preserve, he said. When the carnage was over, 49 animals were slaughtered, including 18 Bengal tigers, 17 lions, six black bears, a pair of grizzlies, three mountain lions, two wolves and a baboon.

What is famous about Zanesville, Ohio? ›

The famous "Star Soap" was made in Zanesville in the late 1800s-early 1900s by a company called Schultz and Company. The company was later sold to Proctor and Gamble. Three universities are located in Muskingum County -Muskingum University, Ohio University Zanesville and Zane State College.

How many animals were killed in Zanesville? ›

Forty-eight were killed: 18 tigers, nine lions, eight lionesses, six black bears, three mountain lions, two grizzly bears, a baboon and a wolf. Three leopards, two monkeys and another animal were captured and taken to a local zoo.

Did any animals survive Zanesville? ›

While a law-enforcement SWAT team descended on the farm to kill the freed animals so they didn't escape into the public, six animals survived either because they didn't try to escape or because their cages weren't unlocked by Thompson. Officers killed 48 animals.

How did Ohio get its nickname? ›

Hayes, James A. Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, William Howard Taft and Warren G. Harding. The state's nickname, "The Buckeye State," comes from the buckeye trees common in Ohio; the nuts of these trees are said to look like the eyes of a deer (or buck).


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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.