Wurstsalat (Swiss/German Sausage Salad) - Recipes From Europe (2024)

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Here’s A Classic Wurstsalat Recipe To Try Out For Your Next Savory Snack!

Craving something meaty but want it to be quick and easy? Wurstsalat is the perfect dish for you!

Made from just a few ingredients – including wurst (sausage), cheese, onions, and pickles – this hearty snack salad is served with a simple vinaigrette dressing.

Our Wurstsalat tastes great with fresh crusty bread or soft pretzels for a classic “Brotzeit” (a German term for a savory snack or small, early dinner)!

Wurstsalat (Swiss/German Sausage Salad) - Recipes From Europe (1)

Different Versions of Wurstsalat

There are a few different ways to make a Wurstsalat – many of which are differ by countries and/or regions.

Swiss Wurstsalat is usually made with both a sausage and a cheese component (like the one in this recipe).

German sausage salad (for example, Bavarian Wurstsalat) is often just made with sausage. However, you can often find the Swiss version with cheese on beer garden menus in Bavaria.

Case and point: Lisa ate this version in Aschaffenburg (Germany) when we went out for dinner to a local Brauhaus.

Another German version, the Swabian version, is made with both “regular” sausage and blood sausage!

Side Note: It’s important to note that Wurstsalat is not the same as Fleischsalat. Although, the two dishes are quite similar Fleischsalat is made with mayonnaise while Wurstsalat is made with a simple vinaigrette as the dressing.

Recipe Tips/Substitutions

Before you make this wurst salad, have a look at these few recipe tips so that you know what to shop for and keep in mind if you’re making this in North America:

  • You can use different types of sausage for the meat component in the Wurstsalat. Lisa typically makes it with Lyoner sausage but this can be difficult to find in the United States and Canada other than a European Deli. Alternatively, bologna works well, too.
  • You can substitute the cheese if you are not a fan of the strong taste of Swiss cheese and use Gouda cheese instead. Just make sure that the cheese you choose isn’t too crumbly/soft or else the salad will lose its overall texture and taste. However, for a traditional taste, we would recommend using Swiss cheese.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste to suit your personal preferences. However, keep in mind that the flavors will get more intense as the salad rests in the fridge – so don’t add too much. You can always add more salt or pepper when you take the Wurstsalat out of the fridge before serving.
Wurstsalat (Swiss/German Sausage Salad) - Recipes From Europe (2)

How to Make Wurstsalat – Step by Step Instructions

For those wanting to get started making Wurstsalt, you can find the recipe card in the bottom of this post.

If you’ve never made this dish before and would like to see visuals, you can find the Wurstsalat recipe process photos in this section.

This way you get to see exactly how we made ours and can follow along!

Wurstsalat (Swiss/German Sausage Salad) - Recipes From Europe (3)

First, cut the sausage into slices (if it isn’t already sliced) and then into thin strips.

Wurstsalat (Swiss/German Sausage Salad) - Recipes From Europe (4)

Then also cut the baby dill pickles into thin strips.

Wurstsalat (Swiss/German Sausage Salad) - Recipes From Europe (5)

If you decide to add cheese to your sausage salad, cut it into thin strips as well. If you do this, you’ll make a Schweizer Wurstsalat (Swiss sausage salad) – just FYI.

Wurstsalat (Swiss/German Sausage Salad) - Recipes From Europe (6)

Next, peel the onion and chop it into very small cubes. Alternatively, you can also cut it into thin strips.

Wurstsalat (Swiss/German Sausage Salad) - Recipes From Europe (7)

Place all the cut-up ingredients into a mixing bowl.

Wurstsalat (Swiss/German Sausage Salad) - Recipes From Europe (8)

Now prepare the dressing. For that, add the white wine vinegar, oil, pickle juice, salt, and pepper to a small bowl.

Mix everything well then pour it over the ingredients in the large bowl.

Wurstsalat (Swiss/German Sausage Salad) - Recipes From Europe (9)

Mix everything together until the sausage and cheese are evenly coated in the dressing.

Cover the bowl and place the sausage salad in the fridge for an hour so the flavors can mingle (this makes a big difference in taste, in our opinion!).

Wurstsalat (Swiss/German Sausage Salad) - Recipes From Europe (10)

After the hour is up, remove the salad from the fridge, taste it, and add more salt, pepper, and/or vinegar to taste. Serve the salad with fresh soft pretzels or crusty bread.

Storage Tips

The sausage salad should be kept cold and covered in the fridge before and after eating.

Any leftovers will last for up to 2 days but it’s better to consume them sooner rather than later.

If the sausage salad was left out in the sun for a while (e.g. during an outdoor picnic or barbecue), we wouldn’t recommend keeping any leftovers.


What’s the difference between Wurstsalat and Fleischsalat?

While similar, the difference between Wurstsalat and Fleischsalat is in the dressing. Fleischsalat is made with mayonnaise while Wurstsalat is made with oil and vinegar as the dressing base.

Related Recipes

For more great German recipes, check out these classic (and very tasty) creations:

  • Fleischsalat – Another German meat salad – but this one is creamy!
  • Flammkuchen – A classic take on the thin crust tart with bacon and cream sauce
  • Sauerkraut Soup – An easy recipe for a savory, warm soup made with tasty sauerkraut

Wurstsalat (Swiss/German Sausage Salad) - Recipes From Europe (11)

Wurstsalat (Swiss/German Sausage Salad)

Wurstsalat – or Sausage Salad – is a meaty Swiss/German salad. Made from chopped sausage, cheese, pickles, and onions, this flavorful dish is covered in a simple dressing and makes a great snack or summer dinner!

5 from 6 votes

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Prep Time: 20 minutes minutes

Additional Time: 1 hour hour

Total Time: 1 hour hour 20 minutes minutes

Servings: 4


The Salad

  • 9 ounces lyoner sausage, bologna also works
  • 6 ounces swiss cheese, optional
  • 3-4 baby dill pickles
  • 1 small yellow onion
  • chopped parsley to garnish, optional

The Dressing

  • 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons neutral-tasting oil
  • 2 tablespoons pickle juice
  • salt and pepper to taste


  • Cut the sausage into slices (if it isn’t already sliced) and then into thin strips. Cut the swiss cheese and the baby dill pickles into thin strips as well. Place everything into a large mixing bowl.

  • Peel the onion and chop it into very small cubes or thin strips and add them to the bowl as well.

  • Now prepare the dressing. For that, add the white wine vinegar, oil, pickle juice, salt, and pepper to a small bowl. Mix everything well then pour it over the ingredients in the large bowl.

  • Mix everything until the sausage and cheese are evenly coated in the dressing.

  • Cover the bowl and place the sausage salad in the fridge for an hour so the flavors can mingle (this makes a big difference in taste, in our opinion!).

  • After the hour is up, remove the salad from the fridge, taste it, and add more salt, pepper, and/or vinegar to taste.

  • Serve the salad with fresh soft pretzels or crusty bread.


  • Adding the cheese makes it a Swiss sausage salad. There are many different regional versions. Lisa grew up in Bavaria and this recipe is very similar to how she often ate it both at home and at restaurants (sometimes with cheese and sometimes without).
  • The way Lisa knows this salad is with Lyoner sausage. However, that can be difficult to find in North America other than at European delis. A good substitute is bologna sausage. It changes the flavor a little bit but is just as good.
  • Keep in mind that this sausage salad is not actually eaten as a side salad to a meal. It is a classic "Brotzeit" dish – aka a type of savory snack or summer dinner dish. It’s not a healthy dish so don’t think that just because it is called a salad.


Serving: 1g | Calories: 447kcal | Carbohydrates: 5g | Protein: 20g | Fat: 38g | Saturated Fat: 14g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 20g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 78mg | Sodium: 1256mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 3g

This nutritional information has been estimated by an online nutrition calculator. It should only be seen as a rough calculation and not a replacement for professional dietary advice.

Course Salads

Cuisine German

Author Recipes From Europe

Wurstsalat (Swiss/German Sausage Salad) - Recipes From Europe (2024)


What is the origin of Wurstsalat? ›

Truth is, Wurstsalat came from butchers wanting to use scrap ends from sausage slicing, and that was that. A practical, money-saving, zero-waste solution. It is omnipresent on German-speaking tables, as a homemade or store-bought item, and reflects the pan-Germanic cultural celebration of all things sausage.

What is in German sausage? ›

Coburger Bratwurst

It is made from pork and a minimum of 15% beef, seasoned with only salt, pepper, nutmeg, and lemon zest, and bound with raw egg. It is coarse in texture and is about 25 cm (10 in) long. Traditionally, it is grilled over pinecones and served in a bread roll (Brötchen).

What is the most famous German sausage? ›

Bratwurst. One of the most famous of German sausages, second only to the Frankfurter Würstchen, the bratwurst—a.k.a., "brat"—is typically made from veal, beef or pork.

What is special about German sausage? ›

Germany boasts some 1,200 types of sausages—and we get why. They're tasty, they have the right ratio of fat to meat built in and they're easy to prepare.

What's the difference between bratwurst and German sausage? ›

Sausage is a preparation of ground meat that can be found in dried or fresh varieties and sold either in casing as links or in bulk. Bratwurst is a specific type of fresh link sausage made with pork or veal.

What's the difference between German and Polish sausage? ›

Unlike the Polish variety, Germans mix a little beef with their Kielbasa, making it slightly leaner than the Polish variety. It is then cold smoked for at least two days, giving it a distinctly smoky flavor!

What is the main ingredient in sausage? ›

A sausage is a type of meat product usually made from ground meat—often pork, beef, or poultry—along with salt, spices and other flavourings. Other ingredients, such as grains or breadcrumbs may be included as fillers or extenders.

What is the difference between German and Italian sausage? ›

One of the things that differentiate Bratwurst from Italian sausage is the spices used. While they can vary depending on the type of Bratwurst being made, here is a list of spices that can be blended with the fresh pork mixture. White Pepper: White pepper is similar to black pepper, but milder.


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