Census 2020: Overcoming barriers to being counted (2024)

Census 2020: Overcoming barriers to being counted (1)


by Rosina Ghebreyesus

Among other reasons, many residents of the Bayview, Tenderloin and Mission report not being counted in the census because they didn’t have time or had a fear of the Census Bureau not upholding privacy rules. Some have language barriers, and for many, their address changes frequently.

What people may not know about the census is that it can alleviate common stressors in one’s life. If you are from a community that doesn’t have many job opportunities, the schools aren’t up to par, the roads are full of potholes, or there aren’t enough clinics near you – if all this adds unwarranted stress to your life – getting counted can help.

The census determines the federal government’s allocation of funding to our state of California and to all states based on their population size. So the more people counted in the census, the more money is doled out to reduce your stress and increase the opportunities in your life.

Census data determines not only federal funding for your state but also how much political representation it gets. The recorded population, counted in the census every 10 years, determines the number of people representing your state in the House of Representatives in the U.S. Congress.

Census 2020: Overcoming barriers to being counted (2)

The smallest states – Wyoming, Vermont and Alaska – have only one seat in the House. California has 53, but if every Californian is not counted in the 2020 census, that number could go down.

The more representatives a state has, the more successfully those reps can advocate for their state’s fair share of funding. Everyone wants full funding for building and repairing roads, schools and enough affordable homes so every family can be housed, for creating jobs and for expanding needed community programs.

For example, a complete census count of every single person in your city can mean that libraries in your neighborhood gain more funding so they can extend their hours and maybe even refurbish the space to make it more inviting for you and your children. Schools can get more funding for teachers, special education and more after-school programs that explore creative arts, physical fitness and science.

. . . in the case of the census, not getting counted only hurts our families and communities.

The bigger the population, the more funding! If you are not counted, your community appears smaller than it really is and the money allocated to your community will be a smaller amount as a result. Each person not counted in the 2020 census can mean a loss of $1,000 in community funding every year, increasing that loss to $10,000 over the span of 10 years until the next census.

The barriers to being counted in the census only grow when our hard-to-count communities don’t have the facts on how to get counted and why it benefits us, making the issues we care about that much harder to solve without proper funding.

Census 2020: Overcoming barriers to being counted (3)

The United Way Bay Area (UWBA) has made hard-to-count communities a priority by actively working to make the facts of the census known. Still, information gets missed, so here is what you want to know:

  • No matter your legal status in the United States, you can still be counted.
  • You don’t have to be related to someone to count them when reporting your household – what counts is the number of residents at an address.
  • Who gets counted? Everyone, including babies, children, seniors, formerly incarcerated folks, immigrants and homeless people.
  • Forms come in multiple languages, so, if you prefer, you can get counted in your native language. Languages range from the more common Spanish, Chinese and Tagalog to Semitic languages like Tigrinya and Arabic.

Under Title 13 of the U.S. Code, the Census Bureau is bound by law not to share any information collected. No other government entity has access to census information. That includes federal agencies like ICE as well as local police – they have no access, and neither do landlords. Here are some safety precautions to take when responding to the 2020 census.

  • The census never asks for your social security number (SSN), bank account or credit card number. Nor will they never ask for donations. The Census Bureau is funded by the federal government.
  • Census employees are the only ones sworn under oath to protect the privacy of your information for life. Don’t allow anyone else to enter your information.
  • Verify door-to-door census takers’ identity by asking to see their ID badge, which will have their photo, the U.S. Department of Commerce watermark and an expiration date.

The Census Bureau can use your response only to compile general information and statistics about the population where you live. For example, they report the number of people who live in your city and statistics about ethnicity, gender and age; but they will never report your name or any other personal information.

Census 2020: Overcoming barriers to being counted (4)

If you or someone you know is experiencing homelessness, they can still be counted. San Francisco, like many cities, is filled with people who have lost their homes and jobs, making the streets they grew up around their new home.

For the census, everyone counts. Whether you’re living on the street, in a tent or in a vehicle, you can still get counted. Here’s how:

  • Those experiencing homelessness can be counted at service locations like shelters, soup kitchens and temporary census counting stations.
  • If you live in “transitory locations” such as a recreational vehicle or a motel, you can be counted there.
  • If you live in group quarters, like nursing homes, correctional facilities or on-campus college housing, you can be counted from those areas as well.
  • You are NOT required to have a census ID number or address to be counted. A census ID number appears on the census forms mailed out earlier this year, but it is not required for you to be counted.

The census reports its findings every decade at the end of the counting period. Those statistics become public record (without individual names) and are available to everyone. If you’re curious about how your community compares to others in matters like poverty, race or household size and composition, you’ll find it in census data.

It takes a lot of people to ensure a complete count, and some temporary jobs for the 2020 census are still available. Learn more and apply at https://2020census.gov/en/jobs.html. The Census Bureau offers numerous jobs that pay wages ranging from $25 to $30 an hour. The positions include office clerks, office supervisor, grassroots census recruiters, enumerators and field supervisors. There are many entry-level positions that offer paid online training, making these opportunities accessible to many.

The last official date to be counted in the 2020 census is Oct. 31, but United Way Bay Area encourages everyone who can respond to do so right away. Census takers will begin non-response follow-ups in mid-August.

A part of the non-response follow-up process requires enumerators to knock on doors looking for those who have not responded, so be sure if someone comes to your home, verify their ID and don’t be afraid to give them your info so your community can get every dollar it deserves.

Trusting government agencies to do right by you when we’ve seen countless organizations do us so wrong has created an independent mindset, which can serve us well; we’ll get things done by any means. But in the case of the census, not getting counted only hurts our families and communities.

Your family, your friends and neighbors, your community – all your loved ones – are trusting you to make sure your whole household is counted. The money to make our lives a bit easier is out there for the taking, We can put it to use and start making our communities more healthy and prosperous. If not for yourself, do it for your children and for those that will come after us and continue our legacy.

Rosina Ghebreyesus is a Mills College undergrad studying journalism. She was born and raised in San Francisco, where she lives with her four siblings, mother and grandmother. Her family moved to San Francisco from Eritrea, East Africa, in the ‘80s. She can be reached at rosinag626@gmail.com.

Census 2020: Overcoming barriers to being counted (2024)


Should I answer census questions? ›

If your address was selected for the American Community Survey, you are legally obligated to answer all the questions, as accurately as you can. The relevant laws are Title 18 U.S.C Section 3571 and Section 3559, which amends Title 13 U.S.C. Section 221. Your answers are important.

Can you decline to answer census questions? ›

6. Can I refuse to answer a census question? You can skip questions, submit an incomplete census form, and still be included in the head count. But you can be fined for refusing to answer a census question or intentionally giving a false answer, although the penalty has been enforced rarely in the past.

What challenges did the 2020 Census face? ›

Census 2020 Has Been Surrounded by Controversy

Three overarching challenges have defined the run-up to Census 2020: funding, technology, and a protracted legal battle over the inclusion of a question about citizenship status.

What is the error in the 2020 Census? ›

The DA estimate of net coverage error (-0.35%) also showed a slight undercount of the total population in 2020, compared with an estimate of a slight overcount (0.13%) in 2010 (see Table 1).

What happens if you don't respond to US Census? ›

Am I required to fill out my 2020 Census form? Participation is mandatory, as described in Title 13 of the U.S. Code. Refusal to respond can result in a fine. However, no one has been prosecuted for failing to respond to the census since the 1970 Census.

Do they check census answers? ›

Your census responses are safe and secure.

In fact, every Census Bureau employee takes an oath to protect your personal information for life. Your answers cannot be used for law enforcement purposes or to determine your personal eligibility for government benefits.

What significant change occurred for the 2020 Census? ›

The two major changes to the 2020 Census that are in this category are the shift to the online response option and the changes to the race/ethnicity question. The 2020 census was the first time respondents had the option of responding via the internet.

How can census be improved? ›

By shifting to processing data in near real time we can minimize the need for a large-scale post-collection processing operation. Additionally, by integrating analytics and near real time monitoring of data, we can identify and address quality issues and make data-centric decisions to resolve anomalies as they surface.

What happened with the 2020 Census? ›

The 2020 census was worse on many quality measures than the previous two censuses. The estimated undercount for the Hispanic population in 2020 was larger than in 2010 or 2000. Those for the Black population and for American Indians and Alaska Natives on reservations were larger than in 2000.

Is the 2020 Census reliable? ›

California's Overall Count Was Strong

California's 2020 count was quite accurate, just 0.47% higher than it would have been if everyone had been counted correctly (Hill et al. 2022).

Which states lost population in the 2020 Census? ›

The Prairie State's population declined to 12.8 million in 2020. Only two other states lost population: West Virginia and Mississippi (along with Puerto Rico).

What are the two kinds of errors that may occur in a census? ›

Erroneous enumerations and omissions contribute to errors in census counts for any geographic aggregate that includes the addresses of the persons involved with those errors.

Do you legally have to fill out the census? ›

It is required by law that all persons residing in the United States on April 1, 2020 respond to the Census, and it is important for democracy to obtain an accurate count of everybody. But, there are no federal or state benefits currently contingent on completing the Census nor will there be in the future.

Is the census trustworthy? ›

If you receive a survey or a letter in the mail from the Census Bureau, the envelope contains information that will help you verify its legitimacy. For example: “U.S. Census Bureau” in the return address or “U.S. Department of Commerce” which is the Census Bureau's parent agency.

Why is it important to respond to the census? ›

Responding to the census is mandatory because getting a complete and accurate count of the population is critically important. An accurate count of the population serves as the basis for fair political representation and plays a vital role in many areas of public life.

Is the census survey text legit? ›

If the text message comes from the 39242 number, it is legitimate, according to the Census. “If you Google that number, it will come to one of the Census Bureau web pages and it will describe this survey in depth,” said Childs. The Household Pulse Survey began during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.


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