Oil-Free Vegan Ranch Dressing (8-Ingredients) (2024)

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Learn how to make a creamy, oil-free vegan ranch dressing at home with just a handful of basic ingredients and just 30 minutes of your time! It’s perfect for salads, as a dip, and even alongside some homemade pizza.

Oil-Free Vegan Ranch Dressing (8-Ingredients) (1)

Ranch dressing— thank goodness there is a vegan version of this dressing! It was my all time favorite growing up and I used to put it on just about anything. Hands up if you love dipping your pizza in ranch!

We do have a decadent veganized version of ranch using vegan mayonnaise and sour cream that we had shared previously on our blog, but after doing our healthy eating challenge, I wanted to find a way to make it just a bit better for us.

Oil-Free Vegan Ranch Dressing (8-Ingredients) (2)

For this recipe, all you need are these simple ingredients: cashews, filtered water or unsweetened plant milk, garlic powder, onion powder, parsley, dill, chives, vegan Worcestershire, apple cider vinegar (or sub lemon juice), and of course salt and pepper to taste.

Oil-Free Vegan Ranch Dressing (8-Ingredients) (3)

It was actually so easy to do and the result was magic. We replaced the sour cream and mayo with a simple vegan cashew cream and it resulted in a lighter, whole food based good for ya ingredients ranch that brings you all the flavor without any funky add ins.

Oil-Free Vegan Ranch Dressing (8-Ingredients) (4)

This ranch is easy to make and if you already have your cashews soaked, will take less than 10 minutes! Soak the cashews in filtered water overnight OR in boiling hot water for 20 minutes.

Drain the cashews and add them to a high speed blender, along with the 1 cup of water or almond milk, apple cider vinegar, onion powder, garlic powder, vegan Worcestershire, salt and black pepper. Blend everything together on high until smooth and creamy, about 60 seconds.

Oil-Free Vegan Ranch Dressing (8-Ingredients) (5)

Add in the parsley, dill and chives, and pulse everything together until well incorporated. You want to avoid blending it until smooth so that the ranch does not turn green. That’s it! Store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

Oil-Free Vegan Ranch Dressing (8-Ingredients) (6)

So how do you like to serve your ranch? Here are a few ideas:

  • Alongside a Homemade Vegan Pizza
  • As a dip for Oil-Free Baked Vegetable Chips
  • On a Vegan Party Platter
  • Drizzled on some Grilled Twice Baked Potatoes

Make sure you tag usonInstagram@sweetsimpleveganand @consciouschris and hashtag#sweetsimpleveganif you recreate any of ourrecipes, we love tosee your photos!


Oil-Free Vegan Ranch Dressing (8-Ingredients) (7)

Oil-Free Vegan Ranch Dressing (8-Ingredients)

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  • Author: Jasmine @ Sweet Simple Vegan
  • Total Time: 28 minutes
  • Yield: 12 servings
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Learn how to make a creamy, oil-free vegan ranch dressing at home with just a handful of basic ingredients and less than 30 minutes of your time! It’s perfect for salads, as a dip, and even alongside some homemade vegan pizza.


  • 1 cup raw cashews
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar (or sub lemon juice)
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon vegan Worcestershire (we used the gluten-free one by Edward & Son’s)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt, plus more to taste
  • Black pepper, as desired
  • 3 tablespoons fresh parsley, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon fresh dill, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon fresh chives, finely chopped


  1. Bring a small pot of water to a boil. Once boiling, remove it from heat. Add in the raw cashews and allow them to soak for 20 minutes, or until softened.
  2. Drain the cashews and add them to a high-speed blender, along with 1 cup of water or almond milk, apple cider vinegar, onion powder, garlic powder, vegan Worcestershire, salt, and black pepper. Blend everything together on high until smooth and creamy, about 60 seconds.
  3. Add in the parsley, dill, and chives, and pulse everything together until well incorporated. You want to avoid blending it until smooth so that the ranch does not turn green.
  4. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.


  • If you would like your ranch to be thicker and more dip-like, add less water.
  • Prep Time: 28 minutes
  • Category: Dressing, Side
  • Method: Blender
  • Cuisine: Vegan, Oil-Free

Nutrition facts label provided by Nutri Fox.

Disclaimer:The nutritional information shown is an estimate provided by an online calculator. It should not be considered a substitute for a professional’s advice.This page may containaffiliatelinks, which simply means that we earn a commission if you purchase through those links, but your price remains the same. Thank you for supporting Sweet Simple Vegan!

Gluten Free Oil Free Salad

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hey there! we’re jasmine & chris.

Hi, we’re Jasmine and Chris! We share fresh and fun recipes to show you that vegan cooking is easy, approachable and delicious. When we’re not blogging, you will probably find us enjoying live music, tending to our backyard garden or playing with our dogs Berry and Louie

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Oil-Free Vegan Ranch Dressing (8-Ingredients) (8)

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Oil-Free Vegan Ranch Dressing (8-Ingredients) (2024)


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