Why Nutritional Yeast Is NOT Vegan Health Food (+ what it really is) (2024)

Why Nutritional Yeast Is NOT Vegan Health Food (+ what it really is) (2)

Have you seen or eaten nutritional yeast?

It’s that cheesy, nutty, flaky, yellow condiment used mainly by vegans and vegetarians to provide protein, minerals, and B vitamins! How couldn’t it be healthy?

A couple of years ago I made a vegan soup for some friends. I added nutritional yeast for a boost of flavor and nutrition, then ate a bowl to double-check the flavors. Within minutes of eating the bowl of soup, I nearly lost both my balance and consciousness.

Several months later, I ate nutritional yeast again and the same symptoms overcame me. The correlation was unmistakable.

I’d been a vegetarian for 10 years and used to eat this seemingly benign and nutrient-infused ingredient! What changed? Who can eat nutritional yeast safely? And who should avoid it?

What Is Nutritional Yeast?

The production of nutritional yeast begins in highly-controlled laboratories, where a common yeast called Saccharomyces cerevisiae grows on one of three nutrient-deficient foods: sugar cane, beet molasses (usually genetically modified), or wood pulp. Lacking an external source of nutrients, the yeast makes its own.

Manufacturers then dry the yeast to preserve its nutrients. They usually spray it with hot gas, a process that causes thermal degradation and loss of nutrients. Nutritional yeast can also be eaten fresh (although this product is no longer available to buy) or dried with a more traditional method called “drum drying”.

Most companies then fortify nutritional yeast by adding vitamins such as folic acid and Vitamin B12. Remember, folic acid is the harmful, synthetic form of folate. Compared with folate, the body does not use folic acid effectively. (Source.)

Only two companies in America (Trim Healthy MamaandSari) produce both a non-genetically-modified and a non-vitamin-fortified nutritional yeast. Most unsuspecting consumers purchase one of the mainstream brands of genetically-modified, gas-dried, and folic acid-fortified nutritional yeast!

Note: Bob’s Red Mill, Bragg, Frontier, Harmony House, NOW Foods and Red Star nutritional yeast brands all pasteurize their products as well as fortifying with synthetic ingredients (source).

As if that’s not enough, one major issue remains…

Why Nutritional Yeast Is Not Vegan Health Food

The vegan lifestyle means needing to find quality sources of protein due to a lack of animal protein. For many, this means adding nutritional yeast in large quantities to foods and recipes. Commonly referred to as monosodium glutamate (MSG), free glutamic acid is a processed food arguably found in nutritional yeast. In the case of nutritional yeast, manufacturers don’t add MSG intentionally; it occurs because of the manufacturing process. Thus, the misleading wording we often see in the food industry, “no added MSG”, means the product may still contain MSG. (Source.)

Glutamic acid, a naturally occurring neurotransmitter found in plant and animal proteins, excites our taste buds and the neurons in our brains. Whole foods like bone broth and aged cheese contain bound, unprocessed, and healthful (for most people) glutamic acid.

On the other hand, unnaturally fermented or manufactured foods contain something called “processed free glutamic acid”. In other words, glutamic acid has been freed from its protein during the manufacturing process. It is now an excitotoxin.

Excitotoxins interfere with normal brain function by overstimulating neuron receptors in the hypothalamus and causing the death of neurons.

This is why nutritional yeast is considered impure — it most likely contains processed free glutamic acid (source). When ingested, the highly concentrated glutamates enter the bloodstream then the brain without going through the proper channels of digestion (source). 25% of the population reacts adversely to free glutamic acid, usually within 48 hours of ingestion.

The ingestion of MSG has similar side effects to some pharmaceuticals, which can be confusing to consumers (source). Excitotoxins are known to cause long-term, serious neuro-degenerative damage, including Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease (source).

Are You At Risk?

Truth in Labeling is a website dedicated to exposing the dangers associated with MSG. They list the neurological symptoms I experienced (headache, dizziness, light-headedness, loss of balance) among the common symptoms of MSG. They also record 70 adverse reactions caused by MSG, including cardiac, gastrointestinal and respiratory issues. (Source.)

While MSG does not cause noticeable symptoms in everyone, it is a known carcinogen and damages the brain. More controversial is whether or not nutritional yeast contains MSG. My body’s reaction to nutritional yeast suggests it does. I don’t react negatively to other glutamate-rich foods, like bone broth and aged cheeses (healthful staples in my diet).

“…[S]ome people react to the food ingredient monosodium glutamate. What many don’t know, is that more than 40 different ingredients contain the chemical in monosodium glutamate (processed free glutamic acid) that causes these reactions.” — Jack Samuels, creator of the Truth in Labeling Campaign

Jack Samuels, the late foremost authority on MSG in the traditional community, includes “yeast food, yeast nutrient” in his list of “ingredients that always contain processed free glutamic acid”.

Logically speaking, when we look at how MSG develops in foods, the production method of nutritional yeast matches. It is a manufactured, fermented food, highly concentrated in flavor and glutamates. This kind of man-made food is exactly where we see MSG occurring, as a byproduct of other food processes (source). Also, interestingly, the manufacture of MSG itself is very similar to the process of creating nutritional yeast (source)!

Nutritional yeast is a flavor enhancer! That’s why vegetarians and vegans love it. So is MSG. Any man-made flavor-enhancer should make us cautious.


“Since free glutamic acid is cheap and since its neurotoxic nerve stimulation enhances so wonderfully the flavor of basically bland and tasteless foods, such as many low-fat and vegetarian foods, manufacturers are eager to go on using it and donotwant the public to realize any of the problems.” –The American Nutrition Association (source)

Most nutritional yeast is genetically modified and all likely contains MSG, which causes serious neurological disorders and other physiological health problems.

Many consumers are symptom-free, even after years of eating nutritional yeast. However, MSG works slowly and insidiously on the human brain, and it is hard to measure its effects on those who don’t have a glutamate sensitivity.

While nutritional yeast contains amino acids, minerals, and B vitamins, there are better food sources for this nutrition that are not man-made. Babies and children are the most sensitive, and any foods that potentially contain MSG should be strictly avoided (source).

Until we chemically analyze the amount of processed free glutamic acid in different brands of nutritional yeast, we must base our conclusions on the evidence we have. Shall we not eat truly natural, unadulterated, unprocessed, whole foods?

Reasons to Avoid Nutritional Yeast

  • Many brands are genetically modified
  • Nutritional yeast contains MSG (due to the manufacturing process)
  • MSG causes serious neurological disorders
  • May experienceheadache, dizziness, light-headedness, loss of balance
  • There are70 adverse reactions caused by MSG recorded, including cardiac, gastrointestinal and respiratory issues. (Source.)
  • You may be symptom free for now, but symptoms can build slowly (bio-accumulation)
  • There are better food sources for nutrients found in nutritional yeast (namely amino acids, minerals and B vitamins)

If you still wish to consume even small amounts of nutritional yeast and the MSG does not seem to bother you, Trim Healthy Mamaand Sari sell non-genetically-modified, non-fortified nutritional yeast (yes, they probably contain MSG due to the manufacturing process). Avoid other American brands like Red Star nutritional yeast.

What have your experiences been with nutritional yeast?

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Why Nutritional Yeast Is NOT Vegan Health Food (+ what it really is) (2024)


Why Nutritional Yeast Is NOT Vegan Health Food (+ what it really is)? ›

The vegan lifestyle means needing to find quality sources of protein due to a lack of animal protein. For many, this means adding nutritional yeast in large quantities to foods and recipes. Commonly referred to as monosodium glutamate (MSG), free glutamic acid is a processed food arguably found in nutritional yeast.

Is nutritional yeast really vegan? ›

The large flakes are often described as having cheesy, nutty, savory flavors, which is why vegan recipes often call for it in place of cheese, and why many people sprinkle it onto snacks like popcorn. Because it is not derived from animal or wheat products, it's considered vegan and it's also gluten-free.

Is there anything bad about nutritional yeast? ›

Potential Risks of Nutritional Yeast

While it's uncommon, tyramine may trigger headaches in people who experience migraines. People with a sensitivity to yeast products should not consume nutritional yeast. Nutritional yeast may also worsen symptoms in people with inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's disease.

Why do people think yeast isn't vegan? ›

Although yeast is technically alive—it's a single-celled organism that metabolizes food into energy—it's no more an animal than other fungi such as mushrooms. Therefore, yeast is generally accepted as part of a vegan diet.

Is nutritional yeast really MSG? ›

Nutritional yeast receives its umami flavor from naturally occurring MSG and there are many misperceptions about the safety of MSG. However, MSG is generally recognized as safe by the FDA and there are many foods that have naturally occurring MSG, such as cheese and tomatoes.

Who should avoid nutritional yeast? ›

Researchers have recommended that individuals with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), glaucoma, and hypertension avoid using nutritional yeast because it could make their symptoms worse. People with a yeast sensitivity or allergy should also take care to avoid any exposure to nutritional yeast.

Why do vegans put nutritional yeast in everything? ›

While it can be used in a variety of dishes and food genres, nutritional yeast is beloved among vegans and vegetarians because the rich, nutty flavor mimics the savory aspects of cheese. It's also one of the few plant sources of B12, a vitamin that's important for brain health, infection-fighting, and more.

Is nutritional yeast inflammatory? ›

It is low in calories, fat-free, sugar-free, and gluten-free. Some benefits include its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties, an improved immune system, management of blood sugar, and improvements in heart health.

Can eating nutritional yeast cause candida? ›

It's high protein content and nutty, cheesy flavor also make it a great addition to all diets. Although it is a form of yeast, nutritional yeast won't make bread rise. Since it's deactivated, the yeast cells are not alive and won't contribute to candida growth on your body.

Is yeast bad for your gut? ›

If you have an intolerance or sensitivity to it, yeast may cause digestive issues. Many people with a yeast allergy are also allergic to other fungi like mold. If you have a fungi allergy, you may want to avoid eating foods with yeast, moldy foods, and foods that involve other fungi in their production.

What do vegans call nutritional yeast? ›

Sometimes referred to as nooch, “nu*tritional yeast is, well, yeast,” says BA food editor Shilpa Uskokovic. “It's cultivated in large tanks of a sugar-rich liquid, fermented, rinsed, then heated to deactivate its live properties.” It has a bright yellow hue and is most commonly sold in food stores powdered or in flakes.

What is a level 5 vegan? ›

Level 5 vegans are those who are seen as incredibly committed to the vegan lifestyle, and are often hailed as “extreme vegans”. Level 5 vegans go to an extensive effort to follow a vegan lifestyle that is free of any type of animal product or animal exploitation.

Can vegans eat hummus? ›

Hummus is a vegan staple that allows you to have some versatility in your diet. It's an immensely popular food amongst vegans so you may have found a new favourite yourself. It's available in a wide range of flavours and is very versatile in the kitchen so you can experiment with it if you wish to.

Should I buy fortified or unfortified nutritional yeast? ›

Buy fortified versions to get the most health benefits, particularly if you're using nooch to add extra vitamins and minerals to your diet. If you're using nutritional yeast simply for its flavor, you may be less concerned about whether it's fortified.

Does Bob's Red Mill nutritional yeast have MSG? ›

Not at all, and here's why. Concerns over MSG-like compounds stem from a misunderstanding about glutamic acid, an amino acid that occurs naturally in nutritional yeast. MSG is made by chemically altering glutamic acid to create the synthetic flavor enhancer we want to avoid.

Is there a vegan substitute for nutritional yeast? ›

Coconut Aminos or Liquid Aminos

If you are looking for a nutritional yeast substitute that is both vegan and yeast-free, coconut aminos are a great option. This is a liquid ingredient that has a sweeter taste than nooch, but it still has the salty, umami kick you might be looking for.

Should non vegans eat nutritional yeast? ›

It can be sprinkled on chips or popcorn for a boost of flavor, or stirred into soups or pasta or whatever you want. And you don't have to be vegan to eat it! There are no rules!

Can you eat yeast if you are vegan? ›

Yes, yeast is absolutely vegan! Veganism means excluding the consumption of animal products, and yeast is a type of fungi. If you have no qualms about eating mushrooms, then you can absolutely get on board with yeast.


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